Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1479 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1479 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (102)

Zhou Jieying quickly started cutting the third piece of wool.

She's feeling a little irritable now.

Because of her impatience, she couldn't handle the Shijie knife well, and the incision was a bit ugly, and almost cut off one of her fingers.

Ling Feng couldn't see it, and said to her, "Jieying, let me do it, you take a break and adjust your mood, even if you lose this round, there are still two rounds left, don't forget my teaching to you, hurry up If you don’t make progress, only those who remain calm until the end will be the final winners.”

"Yes, Master, I will adjust my mood."

Zhou Jieying nodded.

After all, her strength is weak, and she was a little exhausted after untying two pieces of wool. If she injures her finger again, it will directly affect the third round of the game.

Therefore, she did not try to be brave, and handed over the task of dissolving stones to Master.

When everyone saw the God of Gamblers explaining the stone himself, they became excited as if they had been given a stimulant.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

The God of Gamblers' move to resolve stones is simply an amazing art.

This made Yang Zimei have to admire.

After taking a few glances at Ling Feng's solution of the stone, she also started to solve it by herself.

Touch the wool with your fingers, and the unique warmth of jade seeps into the palm directly. It is obvious that the jadeite inside is quite large.

I don't know if that shape is suitable for making a three-star jade carving of Fu Lu Shou as a gift to Grandpa Zeng.

"Wow! It's green! The God of Gamblers is the God of Gamblers, and his moves are extraordinary!"

Ling Feng cried out.

Zhou Jieying's gloomy gaze instantly brightened, and she excitedly poured clean water to wash away the stone dust on the cut surface.

"Imperial Green!"

The crowd gasped and shouted.

Zhou Jieying was also very excited, and urged Ling Feng, "Master, hurry up!"

Ling Feng himself was also a little excited.

He has gambled on stones for decades, and he has only solved the emperor green once, and it is only as big as a pigeon egg.

However, it was enough to earn him enough face and achieved a pinnacle of his career as a God of Gamblers.

Now, I can actually get Emperor Green again.

And there are palm-sized slices, I hope it won't be as bad as the previous one because of the green skin.

As long as this piece of imperial green can be successfully released to the size of a palm, it will be enough to defeat Yang Zimei's piece of Dai Fei just now.

"Damn it, why are they so lucky?"

After cursing in a low voice, Zeng Sihui yelled loudly, "Miss Zhou, don't be too happy, maybe it's the devil's skin green again!"


Zhou Jieying spit at her, "Your family is the one who relies on skin green!"

Ling Feng didn't dare to use the knife directly, but began to grind slowly with the grinding wheel.

He doesn't have the skill of Yang Zimei, and the skin of the wool material is still a bit thick, so his grinding is slow, and the green underneath has not been ground for a long time.

Yang Zimei was also grinding slowly, and soon, a three-color interface appeared on the wool.

Red, yellow and green have clear boundaries, but are extremely harmonious.

"Niuniu, what kind of emerald is this? Red, yellow, green? Why are they so variegated? Is it worth money?"

Zeng Sihui called out.

When everyone heard this, they looked at Yang Zimei again, and found that the wool on her hand had really changed color, and it was still three colors.

Could it be the legendary three-color jadeite of Fu Lu Shou?

This is an extremely rare breed!

Yang Zimei was not in a hurry to wash off the dust on it with clean water, and continued to grind.

She wanted to untangle the entire emerald, and then wash away the surprised eyes of the audience.

As for Zhou Jieying's piece of imperial green that has not been solved yet, it can be seen from the faint light, it is not enough to be feared.

[Thank you "Peace is a blessing", I am fine, and I wish you happiness too! 】

(End of this chapter)

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