Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1482 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1482 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (105)

If Yang Zimei won this round, then it meant that there was no need to compete in the third round, and Zhou Jieying was completely defeated.

People who had placed a lot of bets on Zhou Jieying's side began to secretly stamp their feet and regret it.

As for the dealer, seeing that he was about to pay more than one billion, his heart tightened.

As long as the notary announces that Yang Zimei has won, it is estimated that he will have a heart attack.

"Miss Zhou Jieying's guess is—"

The notary saw that the scene was very tense, so he deliberately drew out his voice and paused.

Zhou Jieying's face was ashen, and her whole stomach was twitching.

She knew that her answer was far from what Huang Fei had just solved.

"Don't be nervous, I guess even God would not be able to guess that there will be a little yellow jade in that kind of wool."

Ling Feng comforted her, "You still have to maintain your combat effectiveness!"

"The result is that there is no emerald!"

The people in the notary office announced loudly.

"Guess is wrong!"

The people who bet on Zhou Jieying began to feel a little broken, and they guessed wrong when they pinned their hopes on Yang Zimei.

"Miss Yang Zimei's guess is—"

Everyone looked at Yang Zimei nervously, and saw that she was still smiling, as if she was determined to win.

The people at the notary office glanced at Yang Zimei, and then said, "Unfortunately, Miss Yang also guessed that there is no jade. In this game, everyone is even!"

"Ah? Fortunately, fortunately!"

If the banker who thought he was going to lose a lot of money was granted an amnesty, his tense heartstrings would be loosened.

Others who bet on Yang Zimei also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tch, I thought you were so powerful!"

Seeing that Yang Zimei hadn't won this round, Zhou Jieying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and taunted her aloud.

"You're not very good either."

Yang Zimei replied with a faint smile.

She deliberately didn't win this round.

If she could clearly guess that Huang Fei was in the wool, it would surely make others suspect that she had some kind of superpower, and cause a lot of trouble.

She is not so stupid.

Anyway, she didn't believe Zhou Jieying could guess it.

In the end, as she expected, everyone guessed wrong.

The third round of the game begins.

The notary office brought two pieces of jade with the same size and water species, and handed them over to the two to start carving.

Zhou Jieying's level of jade carving is really good. What she is sculpting now is a fairy, which she often carved in the past. It can be said that she is very proficient.

Looking at Yang Zimei, the knife skills are really sloppy.

In fact, her knife skills have not improved much, just like she does needlework, for these fine movements, it is far from being able to master.

However, it doesn't matter.

Because she has a way to increase the value of what she carves.

"It seems that this game is a draw!"

Some people began to look enviously at the dealer who placed the bet, "You have made a lot of money this time."

The dealer is now smiling so hard that he can't see his teeth.

For him, in the case of a tie, he is the biggest winner and can take all bets.

Seeing Yang Zimei's clumsy appearance, she knew she would lose.

Zhou Jieying quickly finished her carving, a finely crafted jade carving was completed, and the fairy on it was so lifelike that it looked like a fairy.

It is not difficult for careful people to find that the fairy's face is similar to Zhou Jieying's, but she is a little fairy-like.

And Yang Zimei's side is considered complete, it is an ugly Maitreya Buddha with rough knife work, just like a street stall.

"Haha, they are not in the same class at all!"

The dealer clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Everyone has seen it, who is good and who is bad."

Everyone agrees!

(End of this chapter)

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