Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1488 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1488 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (111)

All kinds of criticism and contempt from the onlookers were like arrows piercing her heart.

She hated Yang Zimei to death!
Because of Yang Zimei, she lost all face and property in Guangyuan's stone gambling industry.

Now, because of Yang Zimei, she lost all face again!
Everything is because of Yang Zimei!
However, she never thought that everything was a dispute provoked by herself in advance, and Yang Zimei just accepted it passively every time.

Because of the value of the jade itself, Zhou Jieying's jade carving was finally bought for 7 yuan.

Next, it's Yang Zimei's auction.

"Everyone, I admit that my carvings are quite poor. However, my Buddha statue is quite precious. It can be placed at home to ward off evil spirits and avoid evil, and it can be carried around. Good luck!"

Yang Zimei raised the Buddha statue in his hand and said.

"Tch, little girl, you are boasting too much, right? Do you think that anyone who carves a Buddha statue can function as a magic weapon?"

A man said disapprovingly.

"Of course not just anyone can carve a Buddha statue, but I can!"

Yang Zimei said with a faint smile, "Of course, no matter how much I talk and praise, it's useless. Uncle, have you been haunted by nightmares recently and restless?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

the man asked blankly.

"Because I'm a good physiognomy master, I can tell at a glance. Now try to reach out and touch this Buddha statue to see how it works?"

Yang Zimei put the Buddha statue on the table and said to the man with a smile.

"You are so young, will you be a physicist? Are you bragging?"

Although the man was dubious, he still stepped forward and reached out to touch the Buddha statue.

When he touched the Buddha statue with his hand, he immediately felt a magical power soothing his mind and making his heart, which had been uncomfortable for the past few days, really become peaceful.

Really so amazing?

Of course so amazing!

Because Yang Zimei had cast the curse of calming the nerves and warding off evil spirits on the jade carving just now during the carving process.

"How about it?"

Someone next to him saw that there was a little blackness on his forehead and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Now, the blackness seemed to be dissipating, and his eyebrows were in a soothing and stable state, so he asked.

"Well, it seems to be peaceful."

"Then I'll try it too. My eyelids have been twitching a lot recently."

The man also reached out to touch it, and the eyelids that had been twitching also stopped, as if he had come to the seaside, enjoying the sunset, and the soothing sea breeze was so comfortable.

"Hey, my child is crying so much, let my child touch it."

An aunt holding a crying child squeezed over and said, "I see that girl looks a bit fairy-like, maybe the carved things are really useful."

The crying child reached out to touch the Buddha statue, then stopped crying and even giggled with tears.

The others were amazed by the sight, so they reached out to touch it, and found that it really seemed to have magical power.

"Okay! Now is the time for the auction. If you want to take a picture of my Buddha statue, please bid!"

Yang Zimei picked up the Buddha statue and said in a clear voice.

"50, I want it!"

The man who touched it first cried out.

Everyone was startled.

Just now Zhou Jieying's jade carving of the same material was only 50 yuan, and he offered [-] yuan all at once, wouldn't it be an entrustment?
"You are the trustee, your whole family is the trustee, and I have never met this Miss Yang Zimei." The man heard someone say that he was the trustee, and said angrily, "Whether you want it or not, anyway, I want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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