Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1491 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1491 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (114)

"It's all collusion to make me lose! I'm not convinced!"

Zhou Jieying shouted angrily.

"Whether I cheated or not, it should be said by the notary."

Yang Zimei smiled lightly, "And you, prepare to run naked."

"You think beautiful!"

Zhou Jieying yelled, "I will never lose to you!"


Yang Zimei sneered and looked at the notary.

The notary sternly announced that Yang Zimei won and Zhou Jieying lost!

"I will never run naked! If you want to force me to run naked, that is a violation of my human rights. I will sue you!"

Zhou Jieying screamed desperately.

Indeed, if you really want to force people to run naked, it is a violation of laws and regulations, even though this is a gambling contract between them.

For Zhou Jieying, Yang Zimei has already reached the point of extreme disgust!
However, we are all women, and she didn't want to do too much, so she said, "Forget it, some people can't afford to lose, and we don't need to force it. I just hope that she will never appear in front of me again!"

"It's too cheap for her, isn't it? If you agree to lose, you will run naked. How can you go back on your word?"

The crowd started booing.

"Bitch is hypocritical!"

"A bitch is a bitch!"

"What is it called Princess Gambling Stone? Just call it Bitch Zhou!"

"Yes, bitch Zhou!"

"Bitch Zhou!"

Everyone started booing wildly.

Zhou Jieying was defeated by Yang Zimei one after another today, her nerves were on the verge of collapse.

Now, everyone calling her Bitch Zhou became the last straw that overwhelmed her nerves, causing her to break down, and suddenly reached out and tore her clothes, shouting, "I'm not Bitch Zhou, I'm Princess Gambling Stone! I am Princess Gambling Stone!"

Before Ling Feng had time to stop her, she had already stripped off her top, revealing her originally good figure, which made the eyes of some wretched men shine.

"You are crazy!"

Seeing his apprentice like this, Ling Feng raised his palm and slapped her hard across the face.

Zhou Jieying was in pain, covered her cheeks, looked at Ling Feng, not only did not cry, but giggled, "Master, you said, my body is the best, my skin is the smoothest, your favorite Touch me, I am your little heart apprentice, hehe, master, you are so disgusting, you..."

Hearing that she was talking nonsense that she was already insane, Ling Feng hurriedly used his palm as a blade, cut to her neck artery, and knocked her unconscious in his arms.

However, everyone had heard what Zhou Jieying said just now, and they all gasped.

They never expected that Ling Feng, the majestic God of Gamblers, would get his hands on his apprentice!

"She's crazy, she's talking nonsense, don't believe it!"

Seeing everyone looking at him with strange eyes, Ling Feng hurriedly explained.

"Crazy people often tell the truth."

Someone said something quietly.

His words were recognized by everyone.

"Yes, in this world, the people who are the least able to tell lies are lunatics and children."

"Tsk tsk, that's really disgusting."

"The God of Gamblers, who looks dignified and dignified, would actually do such an unethical thing."

"It's disgusting, master and apprentice are all sluts!"

Ling Feng is a very face-saving person, and now his reputation has been discredited by this incident, he was anxious and ashamed, and quickly left the scene with Zhou Jieying in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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