Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1493 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1493 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (116)

"Niuniu, don't you know fortune-telling? Then can you figure out where my next love is? Is he handsome?"

Zeng Sihui looked at her and asked.

"Your next love affair has already happened. As for whether he is handsome or not, it depends on your own eyes. In my eyes, he is still quite handsome."

Yang Zimei thought of Luo Bai and said.

"who is it?"

"The secret cannot be leaked."

"Damn, pretend to be a magic stick in front of my cousin!"

Zeng Sihui rolled her eyes, thinking that she would soon have true love, her heart hurt by Ge Liancheng calmed down a little.

Yang Zimei smiled.

People are like this, to heal a heart hurt by love, there must be better love to heal, otherwise, the scar will never heal.

On the other side, Ge Liancheng sent several messages to Zeng Sihui, each one sweeter than the other, but she never replied.

His heart began to fluster, feeling a little bad.

So, I dialed her number, but there was still no response.

What happened?

Could it be that Yang Zimei was speaking ill of her behind her back, causing Zeng Sihui to stay away from her?

He once looked up Yang Zimei's cell phone number from Zeng Sihui, and called Yang Zimei's cell phone.

Yang Zimei saw an unfamiliar number and didn't know it was Ge Liancheng's, so she connected.

"Miss Yang? I'm Ge Liancheng."

Ge Liancheng deliberately spoke in a deep and magnetic voice.

Hearing it was his voice, Yang Zimei asked very displeased, "What are you doing?"

"Sorry to bother you, Huihui seems to be angry with me. I really want to know what I did wrong."

Ge Liancheng said in a very sincere tone.

You really deserve to be an actor!

Yang Zimei cursed inwardly, and said, "You should ask Zhou Jieying. From now on, please stay away from my cousin, otherwise, don't blame me!"

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ge Liancheng's face changed when he heard Zhou Jieying's name.

He himself knows best what he said in front of Zhou Jieying.

Did Zhou Jieying tell Zeng Sihui?

This made him really angry!
So, he dialed Zhou Jieying's cell phone, but was prompted to shut it down.

He can't lose Zeng Sihui now.

In the past few days, he has negotiated a long-awaited film contract with a big director.

If he can play the leading role in it, he has the hope of breaking into the international film and television market and becoming a hot international star instead of a domestic first-line star.

However, the reason why the big director talked to him was because he heard that he had a certain connection with the Jiang family.

Now, if the line of Zeng Sihui is broken.

He really doesn't have a dime relationship with the Jiang family, so why can he let a big director play the leading role for him?
He originally thought that Zhou Jieying and Zeng Sihui would not have any intersections, and he didn't expect that Zhou Jieying actually recorded their conversation in order to hit Zeng Sihui.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

You can't sit still like this!

He had to win back Zeng Sihui's heart.

For a simple-minded girl like Zeng Sihui, as long as I talk a little sweetly, I guess she will fall into my arms again soon.

What's more, she likes herself to death.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on the corners of his lips. He found a white suit from the closet, dressed himself up as Prince Charming, and went to a flower shop to buy [-] roses and put them on the table. In the carriage, rush to Jiang's house...

[Today, there are 11 updates, please ask for 5 points, please share, please leave a message to praise, hehe, good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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