Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1495 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1495 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (118)

What's even more unfortunate is that his seemingly straight nose was straight, but when it was hit by the stone, it immediately went sideways.

He didn't know it, he quickly got up in embarrassment, straightened his messy clothes, and put on a cool and handsome expression.

It's a pity that his crooked nose prevents him from being as handsome as on TV, making him look very ugly and ridiculous.

Zeng Sihui looked at her, and her originally very tangled face suddenly stretched out, and she laughed loudly.

Yang Zimei was also laughing secretly.

I always thought that Ge Liancheng was a natural handsome guy, but it turned out that he was made!
Seeing Zeng Sihui smiling, Ge Liancheng didn't know that he was laughing at himself, but continued to put on a pose and walked over, handed her the crushed rose in his arms, and joked in a humorous tone, " Because I want to see my queen, I accidentally gave a big gift. If you can smile at Bo Huihui, even if I fall a few more times, it will be worth it."

"Ha ha--"

Seeing Ge Liancheng's crooked nose up close, Zeng Sihui couldn't hold back, and continued to laugh until her stomach rolled.


Ge Liancheng continued to call affectionately.

He was a little uneasy by Zeng Sihui's unusual smile.

Could it be that his fall just now was very funny?
It stands to reason that he is handsome, even if he wrestles, he is also handsome.

"Don't call me, I won't know you from now on, haha!"

Zeng Sihui laughed and said, stepping on the rose he handed over to the ground, "You should give it to your goddess Zhou Jieying, haha! She and you are such a perfect match! Hahaha!"

Ge Liancheng thought she was jealous, so he hastily explained, "Huihui, Zhou Jieying and I really have nothing to do, we just met by chance yesterday, just talking. Did she say that I like her very much? That's her self-indulgence." , How could I like her kind of pretentious woman? I only like Huihui for your frankness, loveliness, enthusiasm, Huihui, I'm sorry, I will never see Zhou Jieying again. "

"Haha, you don't want to see Zhou Jieying or not, anyway, I don't want to see you again, haha!"

When Zeng Sihui heard him say such words, she became even more disgusted.

Her smile now is not laughing at Ge Liancheng's crooked nose, but laughing at why she was so stupid and naive in the past, and fell in love with him so desperately.

"Huihui, I love you!"

Ge Liancheng suddenly looked at Zeng Sihui with very affectionate eyes, and said in a low and lingering voice.

He thought that this sentence was invincible, especially for a simple and novice girl like Zeng Sihui.

However, he is wrong now.

If Zeng Sihui still likes him, his words are indeed very effective.

The problem is, she doesn't like it now, or even hates it, which sounds even more disgusting.

Love is the most inexplicable emotion in the world. It can happen inexplicably, and it can also disappear suddenly inexplicably.

Between love and not loving, it is often an instant thing.

People who fall in love will have their eyes covered and cannot see clearly.

However, once you wake up and no longer love, and look back carefully, it turns out that you are stupid and naive.

Therefore, love is just a dream, once awakened, it will disappear.

"Ge Liancheng, don't try to lie to me again, haha, I, Zeng Sihui, am not a complete fool, Zhou Jieying even recorded what you said, you said you would be with me, that's because my cousin has a strong background, haha , I’m so stupid, how could I like a hypocritical actor like you before, get the hell out of here, and don’t appear in front of me again.”

Zeng Sihui scolded while laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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