Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1500 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1500 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (123)

Two sisters Yang Zimei and Zeng Sihui walked over with their respective gift boxes.

When I came to Zeng's mansion, I saw Zeng Zimo wearing a clean blue Tang suit, which made him look very elegant and handsome.

"Our Brother Zimo looks pretty good."

Seeing it from a distance, Zeng Sihui said to Yang Zimei, "I don't know which girl will be suitable for him in the future."

"Hehe, a good horse naturally has a good rein, you're just worrying about it."

Yang Zimei said with a smile.

For relatives, although she can't open her eyes to see the past and predict the future, she can still see their faces.

Zeng Zimo's face is extremely good, and his love and marriage line is also quite good.

"Niuniu, Sihui, are you here?"

When Zeng Zimo saw them, he hurried up to meet them.

Yesterday, because Zeng Sihui asked him to place a bet, he won a total of 500 million, providing funds for his career.

Therefore, he was extremely grateful to the two of them.

"Brother Zimo, are you standing at the door to welcome us or guests?"

Zeng Sihui asked with a smile.

"Yes, Grandpa Zeng is waiting for you."

"How many people came?"

Zeng Sihui looked at the parking lot in the house and found that there were many cars, so she asked.

"They are all close relatives who came to celebrate their birthdays. However, compared with previous years, there are half more people."

Zeng Zimo replied.

"Hehe, is it because you want to take this opportunity to see our girl?"

Zeng Sihui asked slyly.

"should be."

Zeng Zimo looked at the indifferent Yang Zimei and said.

"I knew it would be like this."

Zeng Sihui held Yang Zimei's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will take you away at the right time."

Yang Zimei nodded.

She was not born in a big family, and she was indeed a bit at a loss for those complicated relatives, and she didn't know how to be smooth in all directions to satisfy everyone.

The two followed Zeng Zimo into the hall.

There were already quite a few people sitting in the hall, and when they saw them coming in, someone immediately shouted, "Oh, that must be the precious daughter of our Zeng family, right? She looks so beautiful, she really deserves to be the daughter of our Zeng family .”

"Yes, she is very juicy and beautiful. It is rare to see such a delicate girl in the capital."


Various voices of praise for Yang Zimei rang out one after another.

"Niu Niu, I'm going to be jealous. Everyone only sees you, but when I am air, I am also a daughter. Why is there such a big difference?"

Zeng Sihui muttered.

"Hehe, I've become a monkey in the zoo, why are you still jealous of wool?"

Being scrutinized by so many pairs of eyes, listening to those flattering voices of praise, Yang Zimei could only smile wryly, feeling a little at a loss for what to do.

She knew that they praised her not because of herself, but because of the background of the Jiang family behind her.

If she didn't live in Jiang's house now, but just came from the countryside, it would be a different situation, right?

Then, not only eight fathers, nine uncles, three aunts and seven aunts came forward to introduce themselves.

Yang Zimei kept smiling and nodding in greeting.

Of course, her memory is extremely good, so she memorized all their names and relations.

However, her face was a little stiff when she smiled.

Facing the enthusiasm of her relatives, even if it is fake, she can't respond with a cold face like an outsider. She can only pretend to be obedient, enthusiastic and sweet, and keep greeting her, lest people attribute her impoliteness to grandma body.

(End of this chapter)

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