Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1504 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1504 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (127)

Yang Zimei smiled modestly, "Recently, my luck has been relatively good, so I just had shit luck, and I was lucky enough to win."

"It's really you. You are amazing. Our Zeng family has such an amazing girl. You really deserve to be Young Marshal Jiang's apprentice."

Hearing this, Yang Zimei was embarrassed.

It seems that they have attributed their greatness to being Young Marshal Jiang's apprentice more than once.

Zeng Sihui was already rolling forward and backward with laughter.

"Haha, you really deserve to be Young Marshal Jiang's apprentice? I don't know if our Young Marshal Jiang will be scared to death if he hears about it?"

Afraid that she would tell the truth, Yang Zimei hurriedly gave her a blank look, signaling her not to say any more.

If these people know that she is still a master who can surpass Young Marshal Jiang, they still don't know what to ask her to do.

"If the jadeite is really that expensive piece of jadeite, it's a pity that the carver..."

One of the jade lovers looked at the jade carefully and said in a slightly regretful tone.

He didn't finish, and everyone knew that he alluded to the fact that the slightly crude carving had ruined the emerald.

"Uncle, yesterday Niuniu used a piece of ordinary jade worth at most 350 yuan to carve a Buddha statue. Someone wants to become a monk and buy it for [-] million yuan."

Zeng Zimo said from the side, "The carving is not the point, but the aura of the object itself. Don't you think that when you touch it with your hand, you feel peaceful and comfortable?"

The uncle felt it for a while, and nodded slightly in surprise, "It does seem to have magical powers, and it's very comfortable."

"So amazing? I want to touch it too!"

"It's mine, don't even touch it!"

Zeng Zhenlong hugged the three-color jade in his arms very stingily, "Niu Niu specially gave it to me, don't touch it casually."

Everyone rolled their eyes quietly.

They focused their attention on Yang Zimei again, and the more they looked at her, the more they felt that she was unusual.

"Niuniu, since you are the girl from yesterday, you are also a magical physicist who can cast spells, can you help me get lucky?"

"Yeah, help me too."

Everyone surrounded Yang Zimei, wanting her to give him some charms to help him save his fortune.

Yang Zimei knew this would happen a long time ago and came prepared.

She had already made all the small scraps left over from the three-color jade carvings into various small pendants, put a spell on them, and tied them with red strings.

She distributed them to these relatives one by one.

Although these small pendants are small, not much bigger than a fingernail, they are glass-type jadeite, and they are worth at least several thousand yuan.

In addition, it is a magical artifact that has been cast by her. If you take it out and buy it, it will be worth at least one hundred thousand or more. If you meet someone who knows the goods, it will be inestimable.

"Niuniu, are these real emeralds?"

an old lady asked.

"Well, they are all the scraps left by the three-star company, and they are also my processed magic weapons. They can ward off evil spirits and soothe the gods and help luck. If you don't have more than [-] yuan, you can't buy them. Of course, if anyone of you dislikes them, you can also buy them." Can not."

Yang Zimei said.

If there is an advantage, who would not want it?
Everyone hangs on their necks like babies.

He found that after wearing the pendant, he felt much more comfortable, so he sincerely thanked Yang Zimei, instead of just saying those fake polite words.

Seeing that all the relatives had been dealt with, Yang Zimei breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to take a sip of tea, he heard the sharp voice of his second cousin Ye Wenxin from outside, "Oh, grandpa, Ziqing is back too, return it to me." You brought a great gift."

(End of this chapter)

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