Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1506 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1506 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (129)

"How could it be fake? My Ziqing is not stupid. Of course, 500 yuan cannot buy [-]-year-old ginseng, but my family's Ziqing can, and his eloquence is amazing."

Ye Wenxin hurriedly explained.

"Mom, it's not 500 years of ginseng, it's 100 years."

Zeng Ziqing blushed slightly and said, "Originally, he asked for 100 million yuan, but because I helped him with some things, he just randomly charged me 10 yuan."

"So it's only 100 years old, sister-in-law, there's a big difference between 100 years and 500 years."

Someone sneered.

"What's the difference? Isn't it all a hundred years old? It's also a precious ginseng, and it's also my family's Ziqing's filial piety to his great-grandfather."

Ye Wenxin said abruptly.

"Who knows if it's a hundred years old? Maybe it's just a few years of ginseng, and it's used for a hundred years."

Someone sneered.

"Everyone knows that the method of identifying ginseng is the reed bowl, right? A reed bowl represents a year, and my ginseng happens to have a hundred reed bowls, which means it is a century-old ginseng."

Zeng Ziqing pointed at the ginseng path triumphantly.

Yang Zimei looked at the ginseng carefully.

For judging the age of ginseng, ginseng roots are generally used for identification.

The root of ginseng is human-shaped, and is composed of reed head (head), door taro (upper limb), main root (hidden trunk), lateral root (lower limb), fibrous root (foot) and so on.

The reed head, skin color, texture, etc. of ginseng roots can be used as the basis for identifying the age of the ginseng, but the size of the reed bowl shall prevail.

The reed bowl is the handle left over from the annual regeneration of the aboveground stems and leaves of ginseng. If there are several reed bowls, it can be regarded as a few years old, just like a tree has annual rings.

Of course, the reed bowl of ginseng in the past few decades may also disappear, and it must be distinguished by experience.

Wild ginseng, if the reeds are round and long, and there are dozens of reed bowls, with old yellow skin, fine lines, beautiful body, whip whiskers, and many pearl knots, it must be more than a century old wild ginseng, a rare treasure.

The ginseng in front of me, except that there seemed to be a hundred in the reed bowl, the others didn't quite fit.

If you look closely at those reed bowls, they are also pieced together.

There is also the whole ginseng, all of which are pieced together with extremely ingenious techniques.

Obviously, this is a fake [-]-year-old ginseng, and it is made up of ginseng that is only a few years old at most.

However, she didn't want to expose this to her face and save face for this cousin.

Others saw that Zeng Ziqing spoke clearly and clearly, and they themselves didn't know how to tell the difference, so they were embarrassed to talk nonsense, so they could only remain silent.

"Niu Niu, you know even things like jadeite and medicine, you should know how to tell if this ginseng is a hundred years old or not?"

Cheng Xiaojing didn't want Zeng Ziqing to show off to please the old man, lest her son's status be affected, so she pinned her hopes on Yang Zimei.

"Big Cousin, I don't know much about ginseng either. It's a filial piety from Cousin Ziqing. It doesn't really matter if it lasts for a hundred years or not."

Yang Zimei said lightly.

"It's important, why isn't it important? What if it's fake and eats bad grandpa?"

Cheng Xiaojing exclaimed, "Ziqing has never done anything reliable, and I don't believe he can do it reliably. I still doubt that he can buy something worth a million dollars for a hundred thousand. of."

"Sister-in-law, how can you say that about my Ziqing? Oh, only your Zimo is reliable, but my Ziqing is not. What you said is really ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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