Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 153 Angrily smashing the disco

Chapter 153 Angrily smashing the disco (2)

"Hehe——" the security guard laughed, "little sister, did he abandon you? It's okay, he abandoned you, you are with me, and I can treat you as well."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he was flying into the air and smashed directly into the arena.


It hit a table, and the people around screamed in fright, and immediately made a mess.

And the young man who wanted to invite Yang Zimei to go in and dance wiped his eyes. He was really not hallucinating just now. The girl who looked soft and weak in front of him really threw a big man in like a puppet.

"Who dares to make trouble in our venue?"

Some people in charge of watching the scene started to move and quickly gathered towards the door.

"Let the bald head come out!"

Yang Zimei said coldly.

Her voice was not very loud, but for some reason, it was heard clearly in this noisy disco.

Everyone saw that the person making the disturbance was a little girl, and when they looked outside, they didn't see any tough man. They couldn't help being stunned, wondering how the security guard was thrown in.

"Little sister, do you want to flirt with our Brother Guang?"

A gangster laughed and said, "It's a pity that Brother Guang is very busy now. He is fighting against the second daughter in the wing room. Do you want to go up and have some sex with him?"

His tone is really annoying!
Yang Zimei didn't bother to be polite to him anymore, she stretched out her plain hand, grabbed him, and threw him at the group of them.

Only then did they realize that this girl was not an ordinary girl, she was born with great strength, so they began to swarm her...

A place like a disco is messy, and there are many bloody cases in normal times, and the atmosphere is very sinister.

However, she is now full of anger and must be vented, so she simply started to act violently.

Anyway, to deal with these people, it is best to use violence to control violence.

However, she didn't use her fists. She was afraid that the damage would be too powerful and cause great karma, so she adopted the most primitive method, treating these people like human sandbags and throwing them all into the corner to build a human wall.

It didn't take 5 minutes to throw these 30 people dizzy, and they piled up and cried for their fathers and mothers. The people who were in the disco were stunned and felt that the scene in front of them was simply too martial arts.

Bald Guang is on the second floor, but he is not fighting against the second daughter as his younger brother said just now, but is accompanying the second daughter.

The two girls are Murong Yan and Lan Zhiqing.

"Miss Murong, I've already smashed their shop to pieces, haha, their faces are ugly, and they are probably crying now." Bald Guangbei said with a smile.

"Well, well done, I will praise you in front of uncle." Murong Yan nodded with satisfaction, a sneer flashed in her beautiful eyes, "As long as they open a shop, you will make trouble whenever you have time."

"Making trouble is our specialty, haha, as long as Miss Murong likes, we can do whatever we want."

"Well, unless she kneels in front of me and begs for mercy, she still doesn't know who owns it here in City A." Murong Yan said coldly, "I've grown up so much, I've never been treated like this before." bird air."

"Ayan, it is estimated that she has already been disfigured by Lin and those people, let's see how she will seduce Min Gang." Lan Zhiqing said fiercely from the side.

When she said this, the hatred in Murong Yan's eyes grew stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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