Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1530 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1530 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (153)

"I also need to go!"

Xiaoqian yelled from the side.

"Hey, I will definitely not bring your light bulb this time. I am going to date him this time, and no third person is allowed."

Yang Zimei stuck out her tongue at Xiaoqian slyly.


Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, "Are you trying to take advantage of the situation where I can't supervise and steal the forbidden fruit?"

"Damn Xiaoqian!"

Yang Zimei blushed immediately when he said it, "How old are you, and you keep talking like this for adults, are you ashamed? I'm going to tell your Lianyi!"

"Although I look like a child, I already have a mature man's heart, hum. Ripple is as mature as me."

Xiaoqian snorted coldly.

"Then you don't know how to make firewood?"

Yang Zimei asked with a wicked smile.

This time it was Xiaoqian's turn to blush, "Sister, you are good or bad, the relationship between Lianyi and Lianyi is a very pure love relationship, so I won't be like you, who will be impulsive when they meet, and go to bed when they are impulsive. I just want to break the precept!"


Yang Zimei was told that he almost wanted to dive into the hole, so she hurriedly cursed.

"Sorry, I'm not round, so I can't roll."

Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue mischievously, "You two go shopping and fall in love, and I also go out with Lianyi to enjoy the world of two people, hehe, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Are you two going out too?"

Yang Zimei stared at Xiao Qian and asked.

"Yes, we also want to live in a world of two people, go shopping, watch movies, eat, and pave the way."

Xiaoqian blinked and said, "Do what you want to do."

"Really, you two are children, and you are so beautiful and cute. I'm afraid you will be trafficked."

Yang Zimei said angrily.

"No way. Lianyi and I are not ordinary children."

Xiaoqian said confidently, "I'm not a stupid child, not to mention, Lianyi can read minds, and she will know in advance who wants to harm us. In this world, is there anyone who can escape better than us? "

"Although I said so, there are still many masters in this world that we don't know. I still don't worry, you should stay at home, or let Xuehu and Sadako take you out."

Yang Zimei is like a parent who is never at ease with their children. She is always worried that if Xiaoqian and Lianyi get out of her sight and hang out alone, something will happen.

"Really, sister, we are also dating, and we don't want a third party to make light bulbs."

Xiao Qianbai said with eyes, "Don't worry, I will contact you quickly if something happens."

Yang Zimei looked at him for a while, then nodded, indicating that he must not lose his phone, lest everyone could not be contacted.

"Master, do you want to go out?"

Sadako, who finished the housework, came over, saw Yang Zimei's outfit, and hurried forward to ask.

"Yes, I will go shopping with Zhu Tian, ​​so I won't be with you, you should find the show by yourself."

Yang Zimei nodded and said.

"Okay. Young Marshal Jiang asked me out just now, and said he wanted to buy clothes, and asked me to refer to it."

When Sadako said this, her face blushed slightly, with a hint of shyness of a woman in love.

It seems that she has really developed feelings for Jiang Ziliang.

(End of this chapter)

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