Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1532 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1532 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (155)

Xuehu looked at her pink and pretty dress, and nodded appreciatively, "Today she looks very beautiful and lively."

"Thank you."

Yang Zimei said happily, "I'm going to go shopping with Long Zhutian."

"Then go ahead and have fun."

Xuehu smiled gently, and reached out to stroke her hair, "Little girl, this is what you should do at your age."

"Hee hee, don't forget, this is not my real age."

Yang Zimei smiled slyly, "Then I'm leaving. Xiaoqian and Lianyi are also going out to play by themselves, Zhenzi and Ziliang are also going out, and there are only you and Zhuiyue left at home, so please take care of us her."


Xuehu nodded.

"Xuehu, I'm so sorry."

Thinking of leaving him here alone to take care of Long Zhuiyue, Yang Zimei felt a little guilty.

She wondered if Xuehu would feel lonely.

He was always by her side without complaint or regret, making her feel at ease.

"Silly girl!"

Xuehu reached out and touched her head again, "You didn't apologize to me, I like this state very much."


"Nature is true, otherwise, I will leave."

As soon as he heard the word leave, Yang Zimei's heart sank instantly, and it was a little hard to breathe.

"Stupid girl, I won't leave!"

Xuehu noticed the change in her expression, and said with a smile, "Without you, my life is as boring as a stone."

"Thank you Xuehu."

Yang Zimei reached out to shake his hand, and under his inclusive and gentle gaze, she stood up, ready to go out with Long Zhutian.

Long Zhutian was also talking to Long Zhuyue at this time.

Long Zhuiyue's small mouth was pursed, a little aggrieved, but finally nodded, "Okay, brother, you and sister-in-law have fun, I will stay at home well."

Long Zhutian reached out and touched her head, stood up and left her side.

Long Zhuiyue listened intently to the sound of his gradually receding footsteps, with a lonely expression on his face, and his empty pupils made people feel heartache.

However, Long Zhutian didn't look back.

If he saw it, maybe he couldn't bear to leave her alone.

Just now, Long Zhuiyue said something that made his heart a little heavy.

"Brother, if there is an afterlife, you must let me meet you before my sister-in-law. Then, you will love me first, and you can go shopping with me without any scruples and do what I like."

Facing Long Zhuyue's words, Long Zhutian was a little at a loss.

He didn't understand that Long Zhuiyue's love for him was not limited to that of brother and sister, but also mixed with more complicated ones.

Since the last time at Linghui Temple, Xuehu's words awakened her feelings for Long Zhutian, and she also knew that it was wrong for her to do so.

In order not to let them despise themselves, and thus fall into the lonely situation before.

She kept herself restrained.

Whenever she felt jealous that Long Zhutian was so kind to Yang Zimei, she forced herself to restrain herself, and forced herself to be well-behaved and sensible.

As everyone knows, this kind of coercion made her feel more uncomfortable, more lost, and more needy.

It's just that she couldn't find a mouth to vent, she could only hide her true feelings under that well-behaved and sensible face like a tortoise.

"Have you agreed with Chasing the Moon?"

Seeing Long Zhutian, Yang Zimei reached out and took his hand naturally, interlocking his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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