Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1534 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1534 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (157)

Long Zhutian let go of Yang Zimei's hand, keeping a distance of one person from her.

At this time, Yang Zimei was observing the Feng Shui of a building.

This building looks like the layout of the nine palaces of flying stars, but there are slight changes, and it contains thousands of changes. From different angles, it absorbs the aura from all sides.
This change in Feng Shui pattern was something she had never seen before, and it was very strange.

Could it be the arrangement of the rear part of the Nine Palaces Flying Star?

Previously in City B, I saw the change of the Nine Palaces Flying Star in Junior Brother Meng Tianxiao's house, but the change was superficial, and after a little deduction with her master, it was completely deciphered.

And this, unlike that, gives a sense of a more infinite variety.

Look at this building, it has only been built, and it is only 30 years old.

Could it be that in this capital, there is still a Feng Shui master who is more powerful than himself and his master?
When Long Zhutian saw that she was only paying attention to the building in front of her, but didn't realize that he had let go of her hand, she felt even more disappointed.

He stood silently behind her, looking at her slightly upturned face.

Delicate and clean, her hair fluttered gently with the breeze, and the golden sunlight poured down, adding a bit of aesthetic feeling to her.

She is such a girl, agile, detached, and capable, like an elf who has fallen into the world.

He looked down at his empty arm again.

He knew that he was not an ordinary person, but in front of her, he was always a little more vulgar.

Now, with a broken arm, he couldn't even give her a full hug.

How can I feel sorry for myself?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt a sharp murderous aura behind him.

The bloody storm since he was a child made him quite sensitive to murderous intent.

What's more, the murderous aura I feel is very strong now.

He didn't even think about it, he put his arms around Yang Zimei, and rolled...

A bullet whized past their heads.

At this moment, Long Zhutian had also found the location of the killer. He let go of Yang Zimei, and like a ghost, he swept over at an astonishing speed.

Before people could react to what happened, they saw him throw the killer who was trying to escape on the ground like a tiger.

With a few clicks, the killer's limbs and bone marrow were all broken, like a puddle of mud, lying soft on the ground, lifeless, except for the horror in his eyes.

Yang Zimei also galloped over.

The bullet just now was aimed at her.

"Day by day, see who he is."

Yang Zimei was worried that Long Zhutian would kill him directly, so she said hastily.

"I know him."

Long Zhutian picked up the assassin, "He is Wen Ting, the seventh assassin in the world."


Yang Zimei opened his eyes and saw that the killer was Wen Ting. His parents died since he was a child, and he was trained by an international killer organization to become a super killer.

On his body, there is still a strong sinister resentment, it can be seen that in his body, he has killed many people.


Long Zhutian's hand changed from holding Wen Ting's collar to grabbing his neck, "Who hired you!"

Although Wen Ting's limbs and sternum were broken by Long Zhutian, he is a well-trained killer after all, with the kind of toughness and endurance that ordinary people don't have.

Because of the severe pain, he only frowned slightly, and didn't show a cry of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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