Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1554 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1554 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (177)

"Thank you, Head of State Jiang, for not minding. But what I'm talking about is not this kind of identity. I still have something to hide. Please understand that I can't tell the truth. But, don't worry, I will never let Young Marshal Jiang down!"

When Sadako said the last sentence, she said it very solemnly and sincerely, as if swearing.

Looking at her bright face, Jiang Ziliang couldn't help being bold, and stretched out his hand to hold her hand.

Sadako didn't refuse and let him pull.

This is the first time they hold hands.

Jiang Ziliang's palm was thick and warm.

Her hands were slightly cold, without much warmth.

The cold and hot hands were held together, and as they looked at each other, the two hearts began to get closer, beating at the same frequency.

There was unprecedented warmth in Sadako's hands and heart.

Jiang Ziliang held Sadako's hand as if holding the whole world.

Her hands are so soft and cold, he must spend his whole life to warm her coldness and make her a real living person.

Jiang Guangzheng watched the friendship between the two, and felt that it would be superfluous for him to be here any longer.

"I still have things to do, let's talk slowly."

"Well, Grandpa is good to go."

Jiang Ziliang nodded.

Sadako stood up and bowed to Jiang Guangzheng to see him off.

Jiang Guangzheng really likes such a knowledgeable and polite woman more and more, wishing she could become his granddaughter-in-law in no time.

After Jiang Guangzheng left, Sadako sat down.

Jiang Ziliang reached out his hand again and took her hand.

Sadako did not refuse, but let him pull.

There were only two people in the room, listening to each other's breathing, suddenly felt that the space became narrow, and there was an ambiguity flowing in the air.

Jiang Ziliang felt a little dry lips and mouth.

Sadako, who has always had no body temperature, also felt a little hot, as if she was longing for something.

"Sadako, Sadako, Sadako..."

Jiang Ziliang gently called her name three times.


Zhenzi responded slightly, with a rare delicate voice, like the end of a moan, Jiang Ziliang's body and mind were shaken again.

"Sadako, Sadako, Sadako..."

He yelled like this continuously, the more lingering the yelling, the sound shook Sadako's heart, causing countless ripples on the lake of her heart.

"very nice!"

Jiang Ziliang suddenly sighed foolishly, "I can call you that."

Sadako's heart warmed again.

She also felt fine.

All along, she thought that her heart was dead, and apart from following Yang Zimei's emotional ups and downs, she wouldn't have much rhythm.

Now, without Yang Zimei's factor, her heart would still be beating alive, and even the cells in her whole body seemed to be activated, wanting to boil and burn.

The man in front of her gave her an injection of life force.

"Sadako, Sadako, Sadako..."

Seeing her cheeks that were gradually turning bright red, Jiang Ziliang called her name again, murmuring as if drunk, affectionate and lingering.


This was the first time Sadako called him by his name.

Before, she politely called him Young Marshal Jiang.

This call also made Jiang Ziliang feel as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his whole body was excited and excited. He responded loudly, "Hey——"

Seeing his silly look, Sadako couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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