Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1562 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1562 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (185)

Man Resha felt like she wanted to die at this moment.

However, she did not have the attitude of Long Zhuyue who could face death calmly.

"Hehe, Man Resa, don't even think about dying. Even if you die, those bugs will continue to crawl all over your body. If you want people to say that the beautiful Man Resa is dead, it will turn into a pile of ugly Maggots, then kill yourself quickly."

Long Zhuiyue continued to smile.

Maresa trembled all over.

She is a very smug person, even if she dies, she must die beautifully.

The more she watched Long Chasing the Moon, the more terrifying she became.

If her witchcraft is lifted by her this time, it's better to roll as far away from her as possible, and never come within one kilometer of her.

"Maresa, is it time for you to untie my rope for me?"

Although Long Zhuiyue couldn't see Man Leisha's expression, he could clearly feel her fear, and his heart was so happy.

During her days in Jiang's house, she was restrained everywhere, and she couldn't find anyone to lose her temper.

Now, the hapless Manresa got herself into the gun, just in time for her to vent her anger and have fun.

Who made her stupid?

Man Leisha hesitated for a moment, but obediently helped Long Zhuiyue untie her special rope.

Long Zhuiyue stood up, stretched her limbs, and asked Man Leisha to bring her a chair.

Maresa dared not refuse.

Long Zhuiyue sat down, then stood up, and stretched out his hand to slap Man Leisha, "Sit on such a hard stool for me, do you want my butt to be uncomfortable?"

Man Resha held her cheeks that were so painful from the beating, she didn't even dare to hum, her beautiful eyes looked at the dragon chasing the moon with fire.

She has always been like a princess, being served with care in every possible way, and no one dares to disrespect her.

Now, she has become a maid who was sent by Long Zhuyue. She was really wronged to death, and she regretted herself more and more. Why did she foolishly provoke such a plague god?

"You still don't want to change me to a comfortable chair? Do you want to make another worm grow in your body?"

Long Zhuiyue said.

Upon hearing this, Man Resha hurried to move a comfortable soft chair.

After Long Zhuiyue sat down in the most comfortable position, he said to Man Leisha, "Make me a cup of good coffee, and then give me a massage. I was tied up by you for so long just now, and my blood can hardly circulate. .”

Man Resa swallowed her anger and went to make her coffee, then spit in the coffee.

Long Zhuiyue's eyes can't see, but his hearing is extremely sensitive.

And it is her nature to have a keen sense of hearing. After all, she is still half of the blood of a fox. What's more, she has also been trained by her master since she was a child.

She heard Manresa spitting into her coffee.

When Man Resa came over with the coffee, she spat into it, "Man Resa, drink it."


Man Resa was shocked, and looked at the foam of saliva on the coffee with disgust, "How can I eat your saliva?"

"Since you know you can't eat my saliva, why did you spit on it first? My eyes are blind, but my ears are still very good. Hmph, am I going to punish you this time by giving your body How long are two worms?"

Long Zhuiyue snorted coldly.

"No! I was wrong, I'm sorry, I will never dare again, please let me go!"

Maresa hastily begged for mercy.

"You only have two choices, one is to grow the worm, the other is to drink it."

Long Zhuiyue said coldly.

Maresa hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to drink coffee.

She closed her eyes, gulped down her coffee, and then vomited with nausea.

Long Zhuiyue laughed gleefully at the side.

[Busy, and all kinds of discomfort with a bad cold, the update is a little abnormal, sorry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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