Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1583 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1583 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (206)

Their eyes were different from those seen in Zeng's house.

They were all full of sincere kindness and welcome, and they stepped forward to introduce themselves one by one.

Yang Zimei remembered them all one by one, and happily accepted the meeting gift from them.

She also gave them the small emerald pendants she had prepared a long time ago.

Everyone accepted it happily, and no one said anything vulgar about the price.

This made Yang Zimei like this family even more.


Yang Zimei heard a familiar voice from behind, and looking back, it was actually his grandfather Rong He.

He didn't wear a monk's robe, but a gray Chinese tunic suit. He looked very energetic and handsome like an old man.

Why is he here?

Are you no longer a monk at Linghui Temple?

Or maybe, it looks a lot like grandpa?
"Niuniu, it's me, grandpa!"

Seeing her looking at him in surprise, Rong He stepped forward and said a little excitedly, "Since you left, I thought about it and decided to return to vulgarity."


Yang Zimei cried out happily.

Asking herself, she also didn't want her own grandfather to stay in a lonely place like Linghui Temple.

Here, as long as he doesn't mention Long Zhutian anymore, then she can also be with him, feel the affection of grandpa, and make up for the regrets she didn't have before.


Rong He happily reached out and touched her head, then took her hand, went into the hall and sat down.

The whole family chatted very happily, and no one spoke with a thorn in their bones, making Yang Zimei feel like she really came home.

She is very emotional and very lucky that her blood comes from such a family atmosphere.

As the night gradually deepened, some of the offshoots who did not live in the main family gradually bid farewell and went home, but everyone warmly invited Yang Zimei to their home.

Yang Zimei also readily agreed.

"Niuniu, just stay at home tonight and talk to grandpa, okay?"

Seeing that Yang Zimei wanted to say goodbye, Rong He hurriedly took her hand and said.

"Yes, sister, don't go, okay? Lanxi wants to sleep with my sister."

Rong Lanxi also held her hand and said, blinking her big earnest eyes.

Looking at the old and the young, Yang Zimei really had no way to refuse, so she nodded in agreement.

As the granddaughter of the Rong family, it would be unreasonable if she refused to stay here for one night. What's more, she really likes this place and the people here.

Seeing her agree, Ronghe was overjoyed.

Rong Lanxi was also jumping up and down happily, "Okay, my sister wants to sleep with me! That's great!"

Ronghe gave Yang Zimei the peach blossom cakes he made by himself.

The peach blossom cake he gave before, Yang Zimei still sealed it in the box, and planned to bring it back to grandma, so she didn't dare to eat more.

However, she really misses that smell.

"Grandpa, what did you add to this peach blossom cake to make it have such a wonderful taste?"

Yang Zimei took a sip carefully, and found that it was a little different from the one she took in Linghui Temple before, with a sweet feeling, and the taste was more delicate and unforgettable.

"Love and the well water from our Rong family."

Rong He said with a smile, "After our Peach Blossom Cake brand was launched, many people wanted to imitate it, but they couldn't make it work, because they didn't have the well water of the Rong family, and they didn't know how to add love to it."

"Is this love your love for my grandma?"

Yang Zimei asked with a smile.

Rong He nodded, "This peach blossom cake was originally developed for her."

Because of love, there is this peach blossom cake. Grandma was loved so deeply by grandpa, and this life is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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