Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1594 Something Happened

Chapter 1594 Something Happened (3)

"He is my second grandfather."

Yang Zimei replied.

"Don't look at it first, go home quickly."

The police subconsciously hid her behind her back, "The current situation is a bit dangerous!"

"Did my second grandfather kill someone? He couldn't walk all the time, how could he kill someone?"

Yang Zimei got straight to the point.

The policeman looked at the attending doctor who followed him.

The doctor nodded, "His legs and bones were seriously injured before, and the treatment was not timely, so he couldn't walk."

"Since he can't even walk, why do you still accuse him of killing people?"

The policeman had the anger of being fooled, and his voice was a bit heavy.

"You've seen this... the surveillance video, it clearly shows that it's him!"

The doctor said nervously, "We don't understand what happened to this incredible thing."

The policeman's gaze was fixed on Rong Le on the bed again.

Rong Le was still sleeping with his eyes closed. The old man with a peaceful expression, it was hard to imagine that such an old man would turn into a murderous maniac overnight and kill five people.

He took Rongle's medical records from the doctor and examined them carefully, and he also felt that this matter was a bit unbelievable.

"Team Wang, I suspect that someone is pretending to be Rong Le to kill people, creating an illusion for us."

A policeman said, "A similar case happened in Lijia Village."

"That also makes sense." Captain Wang nodded slightly, and then became suspicious again, "This ward is under surveillance 24 hours a day, but the surveillance did not show that there are other people coming."

"Let me say something."

Yang Zimei couldn't help but said, "Your speculations are useless."

All eyes were on her.

Yang Zimei walked to Rongle's bed again, pointed to the short thick black line near his temple and said, "It can be said that the murderer was him, or it could not be him."

"What do you mean?"

Because Yang Zimei's expression and tone of voice were completely different at this time, she unconsciously gave people a feeling of convincing, making everyone's eyes focus on her.

"He was poisoned by a kind of Gu insect. This Gu insect has drilled into his brain and eaten away his original thoughts. Now he is equivalent to an empty shell of the living dead, and he only listens to the Gu insect. The poisonous people are under control."

Yang Zimei explained.

Captain Wang's pupils shrank, "Little girl, are you joking? It's not a martial arts novel. How could someone know how to use poison to control people's thoughts and behaviors?"

Yang Zimei smiled, "Don't underestimate the real world. Things you haven't seen don't mean they don't exist."

"Wang team, this little girl seems to have a problem."

A policeman looked at Yang Zimei, put his mouth in Captain Wang's ear and asked in a low voice.

Captain Wang nodded.

He also noticed.

Just now, a few police officers rushed in with guns in their hands. She looked calm and calm, as if she was not surprised.

This kind of calmness was absolutely unusual for a girl who looked only in her teens.


At this time, Rong Le also found this place, hurriedly squeezed the crowd away, and cried out anxiously.

Seeing that Yang Zimei was safe and sound, his heart relaxed slightly, and he focused on his younger brother on the bed and the policemen.

(End of this chapter)

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