Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1596 Than Background

Chapter 1596 Than Background (1)

"I have a big breath, because you are a pile of dung, you have to be bigger to spray away!"

Yang Zimei said coldly.


Seeing that she actually described herself as a bunch of points, the branch chief cursed angrily, "Do you think I won't dare to arrest you to the police station because you are young?"

"Then grab it."

Yang Zimei said mockingly, "I'm afraid that if you catch me in, it will be difficult for me to get out."

"Do you think you are a god? I will arrest you if I want to arrest you, and let you go if I want to let you go!"

Although the position of the sub-bureau chief is not high, but he has a background in the Standing Committee, and there are still some people who are afraid of him and speak politely to him.

Therefore, he didn't know that the sky was high and the ground was thick, and his nose was going to be turned upside down.

Now, Yang Zimei, a little girl, dared to speak to him in such a loud tone, how could he bear it?

"Come here, handcuff her immediately! I want to see how awesome she is!"

Two of his men stepped forward with handcuffs.

Rong He was in a hurry and wanted to stop him, but Yang Zimei gave him a wink to signal him not to worry.

She stretched out her hand obediently and let the policeman handcuff herself.

Everyone else was nervously waiting for Jiang Ziliang's arrival, no one would care if a little girl was handcuffed.

Anyway, they also felt that Yang Zimei's grandparents were getting in the way here.

"Young Marshal is here!"

An urgent voice came from outside.

Everyone hastily arranged their clothes and put themselves in a posture of standing at attention and waiting.

The branch chief actually stood in a more prominent position offside.

He wanted to wait for Jiang Ziliang to come, and immediately go forward to report what happened, and then give Jiang Ziliang a shrewd and capable image.

Maybe Jiang Ziliang raised his position as soon as he was happy.

Everyone saw that he was inserted in this way, especially those leaders who were supposed to be in front of him, seeing him like this, they were really annoyed.

However, they were all old foxes, and they didn't show it on their faces.

At this time, if they compete for the ranking with jealousy, it will definitely cause commotion, and it will definitely make Young Marshal Jiang unhappy.

Only the sound of clanking footsteps came from the corridor from far to near, followed by a lot of slightly messy footsteps.

With a solemn and handsome Jiang Ziliang in military uniform, he was surrounded by many people like being surrounded by stars.

Seeing those flattering faces behind Jiang Ziliang, Yang Zimei suddenly said something in his heart: Thousands of years of slavishness are still there, should it be time for China to restore the monarchy?
Jiang Ziliang strode over.

These usually high-ranking leaders stepped forward to greet and introduce themselves.

Jiang Ziliang's expression still maintained his usual sternness, he just nodded lightly to them and didn't say a few words.

His eyes finally fell on Yang Zimei who was covered by the crowd.

Seeing that Yang Zimei was there, he was a little surprised, but then he was delighted and walked straight over.

When he realized that Yang Zimei's arms were grabbed by two policemen and his hands were handcuffed, his already cold expression became even darker.

Everyone saw that he was just walking towards Yang Zimei, and felt that something was wrong.

However, the director of the branch was belated.

He thought that Jiang Ziliang was just curious about why a girl was handcuffed, so he hurried forward and explained as if asking for credit, "Report to the young commander, I am Feng Ming, the director of the Baocheng Bureau. This girl hindered our police officers from handling the case and insulted her." I am a troublemaker, in order not to disturb you, Young Marshal, I also handcuffed this troublesome person, and I am going to send her to the police station to be locked up for a few days, to see if she dares to come out and run amok!"

(End of this chapter)

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