Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1602 Lanxi's Black and White Face

Chapter 1602 Lanxi's Black and White Face (1)

The crowd dispersed, and only Yang Zimei, Jiang Ziliang and Ronghe were left in the ward.

Yang Zimei looked at Ronghe, thought for a while and said, "Grandpa, you should leave too, okay? Yuxi is still waiting for you."

"Niu Niu, what are you doing?"

Rong He looked at Rong Le on the bed who was still staring with bright green eyes, and his face was black and purple, but he couldn't move, and asked worriedly.

"Grandpa, Second Grandpa's situation has to be dealt with. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it if you're here."

Yang Zimei said helplessly, "Besides, if you are a little careless, it will hurt others."

"How to deal with it?"

"It must turn to ashes quickly."

Yang Zimei said regretfully and seriously, "At this time, this body is already equivalent to a super poisonous substance. If we don't deal with it, trouble will arise."

Looking at his younger brother, Rong Le burst into tears.

"Grandpa, you also said that life and death are destiny, don't be too sad. Afterwards, I will help the second grandfather to save him, so that he can go directly to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss to enjoy happiness in his next life."

Yang Zimei stretched out his hands and hugged Rongle, "Also, it's not appropriate to tell Lan Xi about this for now, lest she can't bear the excitement."

Rong Le nodded and looked at her worriedly, "Will it be dangerous for you to handle this?"

"No danger."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about."


Rong He looked at her suspiciously, "Niu Niu, you must know that I have already lost my younger brother, and I don't want to cause trouble to my precious you."

"Well, I will definitely protect myself well."

Yang Zimei nodded movedly.

It feels really good to have grandpa's care, and it makes me feel like being held in the palm of my hand.

Rong He walked out.

He went outside to look for Rong Lanxi's figure, but he couldn't find her no matter what.


Ronghe looked around anxiously and shouted.

But there was still no sign of her, so he had to call Rong's home and ask Rong Qing.

Rong Qing replied that he had not seen Lanxi come back.

Rong He became a little anxious and asked the whole Rong family to search for Rong Lanxi.

Yang Zimei in the ward knew nothing about it, and was discussing with Jiang Ziliang how to deal with Rongle.

In the end, the two decided to burn Rongle with a dark fire on the spot.

This is also the best way to deal with Gu poison.

Yang Zimei asked Jiang Ziliang to guard the door of the ward. She was alone inside, took out the small iron tower, mirror, and small bell, and began to cast spells to light the ghost fire.

The incineration went smoothly, but at the end, there was a sudden explosion like a bomb, causing the ashes to scatter everywhere. If it wasn't for the small iron tower's strong recovery ability, Yang Zimei was almost splashed.

She carefully searched for the source of the explosion, and it was actually caused by a Gu insect egg.

She tidied everything up before calling Jiang Ziliang in.

Seeing that she was safe and sound, Jiang Ziliang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Is this matter almost settled?"


Yang Zimei nodded, "It's a pity that Second Grandpa didn't even have a single ashes left behind."

Seeing her depressed, Jiang Ziliang didn't know how to comfort her, "What should we do next?"

"Next, I may have to go to Changbai Mountain to find someone."

Yang Zimei felt that this Gu poison was related to the master Goulian.

However, she didn't know who his master was. This matter can only be confirmed by going to Changbai Mountain to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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