Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1609 New Enmity and Old Debt

Chapter 1609 New Enmity and Old Debt (2)

"Grandpa, there is something wrong with this stone. It has completely destroyed the Feng Shui veins of our Rong family, leading to a series of unfortunate events in our family."

Yang Zimei said to Rong He sadly, "This Meng Tianxiao, I also had a confrontation with him. When I was six years old, it caused me to turn back, and my muscles and bones were exhausted. I have been practicing for ten years to get better. My master is dead, and besides, the corpses in the lotus pond in Longze cannot be separated from him."

After hearing this, Rong He was shocked, "Niuniu, Meng Tianxiao is so bad?"

Yang Zimei nodded, "It can be said that it is downright bad. If I find him again, I will definitely not let him have a chance to escape this time."

Yang Zimei has always regretted that she was careless that day and didn't really kill Meng Tianxiao, so that he doesn't know where to hide and continue to harm the public.

She knew that Meng Tianxiao would not let her go.

"Niuniu, what should I do with this stone? Shall I ask Zhuge to come over and have a look?"

Ronghe also began to trust Yang Zimei.

"No, I can still solve this stone."

She is no longer the little girl of that day. No matter how powerful Meng Tianxiao's mana is, she is capable of picking up tricks.

Of course, it is generally not allowed to move this stone at will, otherwise, it will be backlashed.

The reason why great-grandfather had an accident that day was probably because he accidentally moved the stone.

"Niuniu, just to be on the safe side, let Zhuge deal with it. I have a certain friendship with them, so I can invite them out for this kind of thing."

Rong He is not an ignorant person, he also knows that spells will have backlash.

If the skill of the spell-breaker is not as high as that of the spell-caster, there will be problems, just like what she said just now.

"It's okay, Grandpa. I never do things that I'm not sure about. Although I don't know how powerful the Zhuge family is, I still have enough confidence."

Yang Zimei comforted Rong He and said.

Ronghe nodded.

Yang Zimei asked him to stand a little farther away, and then cast a spell around the black stone, locking in its original evil energy.

The fingers changed their tactics, and a faint golden breath popped out from between the fingers.

There was a shocking sound like an explosion.

The whole stone cracked into countless rubble and piled on the ground.

Yang Zimei withdrew her finger and let out a sigh of relief.

Rong He, who was watching from the side, was dumbfounded.

It seems that his granddaughter's ability is far beyond his imagination, no worse than the master in Linghui Temple.

"Uncle, what happened?"

Rong Qing, who was originally on the mountain, heard the sound of explosions, and hurried down to ask.

"Niuniu is playing with rocks."

Rong He didn't want Rong Qing to be frightened when he knew the truth, so he lied.

Rong Qing looked at the pile of rubble, then at Yang Zimei, and asked suspiciously: "Uncle, isn't this stone the Fengshui stone of our Rong family's private house?"

"Qing'er, this is not a feng shui stone. We were deceived by that Meng Tianxiao that day. Niuniu said that this is actually the stone that destroyed our Rong family's feng shui, causing accidents in our family one after another."

Rong He explained.

Rong Qing looked at Yang Zimei again, without raising any doubts.

Since he was a child, he has respected his elder uncle Ronghe and obeyed him.

Just in case, Yang Zimei took Rong He to walk around the mountain again to check if there was any place where Feng Shui was damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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