Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1614 Zhuge Family

Chapter 1614 Zhuge Family (3)

Rong He stepped forward, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door knocker lightly three times.

The door opened slowly, and a wooden man stepped out, bowed and nodded, making a greeting gesture.

"Wooden man? It's fun!
When Rong Lanxi saw that the person in front of him was not a real person, but a cute looking wooden man, he cried out with joy and reached out to touch the wooden man.

"Miss, please respect yourself!"

Such a sentence suddenly came out of the wooden man's mouth, which startled Rong Lanxi and exclaimed, "Isn't it? The wooden man can still talk?"

"I am the third generation of smart wooden people!"

The wooden man actually understood Rong Lanxi's words and replied.

"It's simply too powerful, similar to those intelligent robots on TV."

Rong Lanxi clapped his hands and said.

"Thank you for the compliment! Welcome!"

said the wooden man.

Yang Zimei watched from the side, feeling amused.

If someone without the eyes of the sky sees this wooden man, he will think it is an advanced guy similar to an intelligent robot synthesized by modern technology.

However, she has heavenly eyes, so she can naturally see the difference.

The wooden man itself does not have any advanced technology, but uses the method of soul attachment to turn the lifeless wooden man into an intelligent wooden man with a thinking soul.

However, Yang Zimei couldn't do this attachment technique.

Now she can only attach her soul to the extremely aura of jade, but she is far from being able to attach her soul to the wood and make the soul and wood merge into one.

From this point, one has to admire the power of the Zhuge family.

I remember that it was also said in ancient books that Zhuge Liang used to use wooden horses and carts in wars, and there were also various wooden people who could do housework and follow people's instructions in the house.

Therefore, in the minds of ordinary people, it is a god-like ability, not to mention that he can perceive the past and predict the future.

The future teases this awesome-looking wooden man.

Yang Zimei's fingers slightly released the evil spirit, locking the soul inside the wooden figure.

The wooden man was instantly frozen.

"Hee hee, Lan Xi, touch it again."

Yang Zimei smiled slyly.

Rong Lanxi stepped forward and reached out to touch the wooden man.

This time, the wooden man really turned into a wooden man, unable to speak or move.

"Hey, wooden man, why don't you tell me to respect myself?"

Rong Lanxi asked mischievously.

The wooden man was speechless.

It has been a gatekeeper for hundreds of years, but unexpectedly, this time it got caught in the doorway and was blocked by Yang Zimei.

Rong He saw that it was Yang Zimei who did it, worried that he would offend the Zhuge family, so he said to Yang Zimei, "Niuniu, stop playing."


Yang Zimei shot again and broke the wooden man's blockade.

The wooden man was able to move, but he did not speak in a muffled voice, and led them in with a muffled voice.

"Teacher Rong—"

Before reaching the living room, a man greeted him from inside.

This man looked not much older than Zhuge Yue, and looked very similar to Zhuge Yue, but his temperament was completely different.

Zhuge Yue gave people a cynical look, but he was calm and indifferent, and his eyes were not the eyes of people in their 20s.


Rong He happily stepped forward to call out.

Pearl of Zhuge?Isn't it Zhuge Yue's father?

He looked so young, almost like Zhuge Yue's brother.

Yang Zimei couldn't help admiring him secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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