Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1616 Grandpa Zhuge

Chapter 1616 Grandpa Zhuge (2)

As a physiognomist, the most frustrating thing for her is that she can calculate the life and death of others, but she doesn't know anything about the fate of herself and her family.

She reported the horoscope of her birthday to Zhuge Mingzhu.

Zhuge Mingzhu used Plum Blossom Yishu to give her a hexagram.

According to legend, "Plum Blossom Yishu" was written by Shao Yong, a scholar of Yixue in Song Dynasty. It is a book of divination based on mathematics in Yixue and combined with "Xiangxue" in Yixue.Plum Blossom Yishu is based on the theory of the innate eight trigrams, that is, Qian [-], Dui [-], Li [-], Zhen [-], Xun [-], Kan [-], Gen [-], and Kun [-]. Hexagrams can be drawn anytime and anywhere, and there are various ways of taking hexagrams.

If it is an ordinary person, Zhuge Mingzhu can calculate it in less than half an hour.

Yang Zimei's birthday horoscope seemed extremely simple, nothing special about it. The strange thing was that when he hexagramed together, the hexagrams were going to be clear, but he didn't know why, and eventually they would suddenly mess up again.

He tried several times, but the result was the same. In the end, his vitality was seriously injured, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The internal injuries he suffered were not serious, and Yang Zimei didn't help, but watched him cross-legged to adjust his breath.

The inner breath he used looks similar to Qi Guidance, but it is very different. It is a kind of reverse practice, which is very strange.

It seems that the Zhuge family is really extraordinary.

After Zhuge Mingzhu finished adjusting her breath, her pale face was slightly blood-colored, but it still looked tired and weak.

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do!"

Zhuge Mingzhu looked at Yang Zimei's eyes again, full of unbelievable surprise, "I have never encountered such a situation in my whole life."

"Can't figure out a clue?"

Yang Zimei was a little disappointed.

"The hexagram displayed at the beginning is very strange, it shows that you are dead, hehe, how is this possible?"

Zhuge Mingzhu smiled helplessly, "Maybe it's because my skill is too shallow, I have to ask Grandpa to come out."

"Old Mr. Zhuge is still alive?"

Rong He was slightly surprised, "If I remember correctly, Mr. Zhuge has already lived for more than 150 years?"

"Mr. Rong's memory is correct. Grandpa is indeed 153 years old. The members of our Zhuge family, because we have practiced since childhood, are a few years older than others in terms of age."

Zhuge Mingzhu said with a smile.

"That's great. I've always heard that Mr. Zhuge is a legendary figure. I'm so lucky to meet him in person this time."

Rong He sighed.

Yang Zimei was also surprised.

In this world, there are very few old people who can live to more than 100 years old, let alone 153 years old.

She was also eager to meet.

"153 years old, will the beard grow very long like the old fairy on TV?"

Rong Lanxi asked in surprise.

Zhuge Mingzhu's eyes fixed on Rong Lanxi.

Just now, he only saw Yang Zimei, so he ignored Rong Lanxi.

Seeing Rong Lanxi's half black and half white cheeks, he was a little surprised, "Is the child born with this face?"

"Uncle Zhuge, can you see that my face is half black and half white?"

Rong Lanxi asked in surprise.

Yang Zimei was also surprised.

Xuehu had already cast a spell on Rong Lanxi, most people couldn't see the strangeness, but they didn't expect Zhuge Mingzhu to be able to see it.

Does he also have heavenly eyes?
Or maybe it's because of cultivation to a certain level, which leads to the similar opening of the eyes of the sky?

(End of this chapter)

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