Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1623 Grandpa Zhuge

Chapter 1623 Grandpa Zhuge (9)

Yang Zimei smiled faintly, "I am a magician, as for the reason, the secret must not be revealed, ha ha."

"Storage space?"

Grandpa Zhuge looked at her and asked.

Yang Zimei was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect that Grandpa Zhuge also knew about storage space.

Seeing her expression, Grandpa Zhuge knew that his guess was correct, so he nodded, "It turns out that the rumored ancestors had a space where they could store things invisible. It's really quite amazing that you can meet such adventures." not simple."

"Grandpa, what is storage space?"

Zhuge Mingzhu couldn't help asking.

"You brat, I usually tell you to read more books, but you are like that brat in your family all day long, spending your mind on worldly exaggeration, and you don't even know the storage space."

Grandpa Zhuge blamed Zhuge Mingzhu, "Don't expect me to help you solve your doubts. If you want to know the actual situation, go read the book yourself!"

Zhuge Mingzhu looked like a primary school student being reprimanded, she lowered her head in shame, "Grandpa taught you well."

Seeing the grandpa and grandson, Yang Zimei felt a little funny.

Zhuge Mingzhu is outside, he can be regarded as a highly respected and powerful figure, right?

But in front of his grandfather, he was still an obedient little grandson.

"This character, you'd better find him."

Grandpa Zhuge opened the album, pointed to the costumed figure and said, "If possible, I hope you can help me understand why he hangs a mirror here, and what is so special about this mirror."

Rong He at the side also saw the portrait clearly, and said, "Niuniu, isn't this your Long Zhutian?"

Yang Zimei nodded slightly.

"You already met him?"

Grandpa Zhuge was both surprised and delighted, "Where is he?"

"Grandpa, he is my boyfriend."

Yang Zimei took out the photo of her and Long Zhutian from the storage ring.

Grandpa Zhuge compared it carefully, "It's really similar, it turns out, it really will be resurrected!"

"What do you mean?"

Yang Zimei caught the clue when he heard the word resurrection, "Resurrection?"

"Yes. Look at this!"

Grandpa Zhuge pointed to the first page of the linear notebook, on which was written in neat ancient characters, "Waiting for his resurrection 1
"Grandpa, this him, how do you know it will be this him?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

"It's him!"

Grandpa Zhuge didn't explain, "It's him!"

This is like a tongue twister and misses the point.

But Yang Zimei also understood what he said.

For thousands of years, the Zhuge family has devoted themselves to the study of this picture album and ancient tomb. Therefore, it is certain that such a person will be resurrected one day.

However, is Long Zhutian resurrected?
In a sense, she was reborn, right?
It's really confusing.

"Girl, does he have this mirror?"

Grandpa Zhuge pointed to the mirror and asked.

"He didn't, I did."

Yang Zimei took out the mirror from the storage ring, "This mirror is very strange. It can reflect the soul of a person, but not the body. At first I thought it was the mirror of the king of Qin, but after careful identification However, it’s not a bone mirror, it just looks a bit similar. As for why he hangs such a mirror around his waist, the purpose is to see the soul of the enemy.”

When Grandpa Zhuge saw the mirror, his eyes were wild, and he picked up the mirror to look carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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