Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1625 Grandpa Zhuge

Chapter 1625 Grandpa Zhuge (11)

The description of the iron tower is exactly the same as Yang Zimei's small iron tower.

"No way?"

Zhuge Mingzhu asked in amazement, "Could it be that this is really the legendary small iron tower?"

"Girl, have you used it?"

Grandpa Zhuge asked with great interest.


Yang Zimei nodded, "These days, I have been relying on it to collect lonely souls and wild ghosts and defeat some demons. It can indeed be enlarged and shrunk under very special circumstances."

"It turned out to be true."

Grandpa Zhuge touched the small iron tower with his palm, "Girl, you can even get the artifacts of the Protoss. It would be strange if you say that this world is not yours. Boy, from now on, you will use all the manpower, material and financial resources of our Zhuge family to follow girl."

Zhuge Mingzhu was slightly surprised.

Yang Zimei was also shocked.

"Have you forgotten the ancestral precepts that we have passed down from generation to generation?"

Grandpa Zhuge stared at Zhuge Mingzhu and asked.

"I didn't forget."

Zhuge Mingzhu hastily bowed his head and said, "Follow the trend, and follow the sky."

"That's right. Obviously, the girl is the one who responds to the sky. Our Zhuge family has been waiting for thousands of years, and we finally found one who responds to the sky. How can we not follow?"

"Yes, Grandpa."

Zhuge Mingzhu was a little puzzled at first, but she would not disobey her grandfather's opinion and bowed her head in agreement.

Yang Zimei was standing aside, sweating, "Grandpa, I'm not a person who should be born in heaven. It's just my luck to get these things."

In fact, she was able to obtain these treasures because she had the eyes of the sky and could see the gas on the objects, so she could collect these treasures.

"Luck is also a part of strength. I don't see Grandpa, am I lucky to get these?"

Grandpa Zhuge looked at Yang Zimei and said, "Girl, do you have any treasures, show them all to Grandpa to see, it will open your eyes."

Seeing him like this, Yang Zimei didn't hide anything, except for the sheepskin map, he took out all the other things in the storage ring, including the Crescent Moon Knife and Ganjiang Moxie Sword.

Seeing that she transformed things one by one like magic, including the Yanyue Dao, which was two feet long, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This storage space really lives up to its reputation, it's amazing!"

Grandpa Zhuge sighed, "It would be great if the old man had one too."

Zhuge Mingzhu looked at each item on the table, each item was very peculiar and seemed to have accumulated over time.

I really didn't expect that this girl with ordinary clothes and an extremely low-key appearance would actually be hiding treasures, and any piece of it would be priceless.

I thought that after thousands of years of precipitation, the treasures owned by Zhuge's family were already very powerful, but unexpectedly, in front of this girl, they were nothing short of insignificant.

Yang Zimei picked up the little clock that was ignored by everyone, "Grandpa, do you see anything special about this?"


Grandpa Zhuge shook his head, just now he thought that the little clock was just played by Yang Zimei, but now that she asked him, he felt that there should be something different in it.

Yang Zimei shook slightly.

The sound of the bell is like the sound of wind chimes.

However, one person is restless.

That is Rong Lanxi.

She covered her ears frantically, rolled on the ground and screamed, "Sister, it's so noisy, I'm so uncomfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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