Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1627 Grandpa Zhuge

Chapter 1627 Grandpa Zhuge (13)

"Grandpa, I don't want to change the world either. I just want to live in peace, and my relatives and friends around me are good, and I feel enough."

Yang Zimei said in a slightly sad voice.

This wish of hers seems ordinary in the eyes of others, but they don't know that it is always full of difficulties for her.

Every day when she opens her eyes, it seems that there are new things and new challenges waiting for her. People around her have problems one after another, making her want to take a break and enjoy peace quietly.

In addition, the disappearance and mutation of the master, and the unknown of Sadako, to her, seemed like a big stone backlogged in her heart, making her unable to sleep peacefully no matter what.

Every night, lying in Long Zhutian's arms and looking at his face, she would think of the Longmen tragedy again, think of what Long Zhutian would be possessed by, and what his real life was, and who would his father be? what kind of person.

When he was asleep, she quietly took a mirror for him.

The strange thing is that the mirror is blurred and nothing can be reflected.

I really don't know what kind of blood he will be.

Therefore, she is also very insecure.

Worrying that one day, he will be separated from himself forever.

Although she has been persuading herself not to worry about things that haven't happened in the future, and to live a good life in front of her, but the previous life had too much influence on her, which made her extremely insecure, and she was always worried about the future. There are too many hesitation, and fear that cannot be grasped.

"You girl, what have you been through? Looking at your little eyes, why are you living more vicissitudes than me, a [-]-year-old old man?"

Seeing the sadness in Yang Zimei's eyes, Grandpa Zhuge reached out to stroke her head and said.

Yang Zimei bowed his head in silence.

What she has experienced in these two lifetimes is more than others have experienced in ten lifetimes, right?
If she had a choice, she really didn't want anything, she just wanted to be reborn as an ordinary girl with ordinary abilities and all relatives at home were still alive.

Because of the improvement of her ability, she will encounter more and more things that ordinary people cannot encounter.

Rong He watched from the side and felt even more heartbroken.

At a flowery age like her, she should go to school happily, play with friends, or tangle with puppy love like other girls.

However, she lived a different life from other girls.

How hard it must be.

"Girl, some people are destined to be extraordinary! Just accept your fate calmly!"

Grandpa Zhuge comforted him.

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Grandpa, there are a total of fourteen patterns here, and each mahogany card has a unique pattern. Does it mean that there are a total of 14 yuan mahogany cards?"

Zhuge Mingzhu on the side flipped through the album and asked.


Grandpa Zhuge nodded, looked at Yang Zimei and said, "Just collect all the 14 yuan mahogany tokens. If that's the case, there may be no problem entering the ancient tomb."

"Well. Now I've found ten dollars. Four dollars short."

She only has eight yuan in her hand, but one piece is at Min Gang's place and one piece is at Long Zhutian's place, which means she has it.

"Find it all, remember to invite the old man to go with you!"

Grandpa Zhuge's eyes lit up as if being ignited, "I'm really looking forward to that moment. The mystery that has puzzled our Zhuge family for thousands of years will be solved in my generation. I'm so excited!"

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[Nimma, Tencent's technical pumping has messed up the chapters I regularly publish. 】

(End of this chapter)

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