Chapter 1633 Helpless (4)

It's just that the damn 18-year-old hasn't come yet?

Yang Zimei felt his commotion, and Chunxin was also a little turbulent.

"Cough cough cough-"

As someone who has been there before, how could Ronghe fail to see the commotion between the two?

He hurriedly pretended to cough a few times, and woke up the two people who were about to fall into love.

Yang Zimei glanced at Rong He in a panic, her face flushed instantly with embarrassment.

"Niuniu, you are only 16 years old, you must know how to control yourself. And you, if you really love her, don't keep thinking about violating her body."

Rong He looked at the two of them and said, "The greatest tragedy I have ever made in my life is that when I was young, I failed to suppress my impulse, which resulted in hurting my beloved woman and making her life miserable."

"Grandpa, we'll get it under control."

Yang Zimei said hurriedly.

"It's good to know."

Rong He looked at Long Zhutian, "You know it too."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Long Zhutian answered with a little guilt.

"Don't call me grandpa, Niuniu hasn't married you yet, I'm not your grandpa yet."

Hearing Long Zhutian call himself grandpa, Rong He felt very unhappy, as if a thorn was stabbing him hard.

Long Zhutian was a little embarrassed, but in order not to embarrass Yang Zimei, he lowered his head and said, "You are right."

Rong He didn't talk to him anymore, but said to Yang Zimei, "Niu Niu, stay at Rong's house tonight, okay?"

Previously, Yang Zimei planned to stay at the Rong's house for one night, but unexpectedly, something happened to the second grandpa, so she didn't stay.

"Grandpa, tomorrow night, okay?"

It was rare for Yang Zimei to meet Long Zhutian outside, and she also wanted to talk to him about Grandpa Zhuge, so she politely refused.

"Just tonight, Niuniu, you also know that grandpa is getting old, and today he doesn't know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe, I won't be able to see the sun of tomorrow yet."

Rong He said.

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's heart was a little heavy.

Indeed, life is fickle, who knows what will happen tomorrow.

I can't see the future of my grandfather's life and death. If something really happens tomorrow, but I can't fulfill his wish in time, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Therefore, she couldn't refuse anymore, she nodded and agreed, "Okay, you go back first, I'll talk to Zhu Tian for a while, and I'll go there later."

"Niu Niu, grandpa wants you to accompany him on the walk back. The road between you and him is still long, but the road with grandpa is very short."

Ronghe just doesn't want her to be with Long Zhutian, thinking that every point that can hinder is counted.

"I'll walk with you with him."

Yang Zimei said.

"You know, Grandpa doesn't like having outsiders around."

Rong He looked at Yang Zimei earnestly and said, "Niu Niu, Grandpa doesn't ask much from you, just this little wish."


Yang Zimei reluctantly agreed to his request.

She also wanted to have a chat with him alone, so that he could completely let go of Long Zhutian's killing of Long's family that day, and stop resisting Long Zhutian.

"Zuntian, I want to accompany Grandpa, you go back first."

Yang Zimei held Long Zhutian's hand and said guiltily.


Although there was disappointment in Long Zhutian's eyes, he didn't say much.

No one knows better than him that Yang Zimei cares about family affection and grandpa.

[Happy New Year, I wish you all your wishes come true immediately! 】

(End of this chapter)

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