Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1637 Can a broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1637 Can a broken mirror be reunited (4)

"Grandpa, how do you feel when you see grandma's face now? Does it feel strange, with no love at all?"

Yang Zimei asked from the side.

Rong He smiled slightly, "Originally, I thought it would be like looking at a stranger, but no, it's as if she is growing old by my side. She is still her!"

Hearing him say "she is still her", Yang Zimei was very moved.

The world is changing rapidly, but the fastest is the human heart.

Changes in people's hearts are often only in the blink of an eye, not to mention that after 40 years, each has experienced vicissitudes.

Grandpa can still say that she is still her. Grandma has no regrets in this life to have someone who loves her so deeply.

Rong He's eyes shifted to the old man next to Zeng Hui who was smoking a pipe, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, looked a bit miserable, with a stern face, like an old man who owed him money.

"Niuniu, is this your grandpa?"

Rong He asked with a little discomfort in his heart, and his tone was sour.


Yang Zimei nodded, "My grandfather is a very typical old man in the countryside, and his temperament is extremely rough, lazy, and vain."


Rong He let out a low sigh.

He knew that Zeng Hui was living with an old man from the countryside, but in his imagination, at least he was still the dignified one.

Unexpectedly, not only is she not imposing, but she looks a little wretched.

How could Zeng Hui live with such a man all the time?

This puzzled him.

In fact, Yang Zimei was also very puzzled.

Grandma is far away from the capital, and she wants to find someone to marry casually so that she can have a child, but is she so hungry?

Is it just because grandpa once saved her?
She has promised her body for decades like this?
In the past few decades, how did the huge gap between the two people's backgrounds be overcome?
The more Yang Zimei thought about it, the harder it was for her to understand grandma's true thoughts.

Rong He didn't want to take another look at Yang Bai, so he returned the photo to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei put away the photos.

Rong He lowered his head and walked on the road with his head down, looking preoccupied.

He could accept that his beloved woman suddenly turned into a vicissitudes old woman when she was young and beautiful, but it was difficult for him to accept that she had been living with a man who was not suitable at all.

He didn't know how much pain Zeng Hui had endured to get to where she is today.

The more I thought about it, the more heartbroken I became.

The three of them walked in silence again, and unknowingly came to the door of Rong's house.

At this time, Yang Zimei's cell phone rang again.

It's the home phone again.

She hurriedly connected and called out, "Grandma—"

But the voice of his father Yang Qing came from the other side of the phone, "Niuniu, what did you say to grandma just now? After she hung up on you, she went back to her room in a muffled voice, and she refused to open the door all this time."

Grandma is losing her temper again.

When Rong He heard her calling grandma, he hurriedly woke up from his contemplation, looked at her, hesitant to speak.

"It's not grandma, it's my father."

Yang Zimei said hastily, and also pressed the answer button to be a hands-free button.

When Rong He heard that he was his son, his expression perked up again and he became excited.

"Niuniu, who are you talking to?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"Dad, is grandpa home?"

Yang Zimei asked first.

"No, I went out to play dominoes early in the morning. Do you have something to do with grandpa?"

Yang Qing asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, Dad, I have something important to tell you, don't be surprised."

(End of this chapter)

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