Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1646 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1646 Can the broken mirror be reunited (13)

Yang Zimei tidied up a room and asked Grandpa to rest.

After a long flight, and it was midnight, the elderly Ronghe was also a little tired, and the aura in this mansion was abundant, which made people feel relaxed and comfortable, so he quickly fell asleep on the bed.

Yang Zimei looked at his grandfather sleeping on the bed, feeling warm in his heart, helped him cover the quilt, got up and went out to look for Lan Yaya.

Lan Yaya was waiting for her on the swing in the courtyard, chatting with a little ghost she had attracted from nowhere.

As soon as the little ghost saw Yang Zimei, he quickly disappeared.

"Yaya, is this the rhythm of you wanting to be friends with ghosts?"

Yang Zimei sat next to Lan Yaya and asked with a smile.

"Regardless of human beings and ghosts, Hedelai is a friend."

Lan Yaya stuck out her tongue, "The kid just now was my neighbor, she played with her when I was a child, and she was the only one who didn't dislike me at that time."

"Why did you become a ghost?"

"I got blood cancer."

Lan Yaya said sadly, "Because her original birthday has not yet come, and the underworld doesn't accept it, so it just wanders here and there."

"So that's the case."

Yang Zimei nodded.

Some people did not reach their birthdays, but because of poor fortune, there are many cases of premature death.

She can't help with this.

"Where is Luo Yinghao? Didn't he come here to accompany you?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"Yinghao went to Yunnan to perform a mission, and I haven't heard from him for several days."

Lan Yaya said worriedly, "I don't even know what's wrong with him, by the way, Zimei, help me count the heroes, and see if he has anything to do?"

Yang Zimei nodded, and directly counted for Luo Yinghao with her fingers. After counting, she frowned slightly.

The hexagram shows that Luo Yinghao has a big disaster this time.

And this catastrophe lasted for a long time...

However, in order not to worry Lan Yaya, she just pretended to be fine and said, "It's nothing serious. Iron-blooded soldiers perform their missions. Small bumps are inevitable. You don't have to worry too much. Major Luo has a lifespan of 90 years." .”

"It's really okay?"

Lan Yaya was dubious.

"It's okay, if you're worried, just give me something close to him, and I'll help him resolve it."

Yang Zimei comforted her.

"His personal belongings? Do clothes count?"


Lan Yaya went into the room to find Luo Yinghao's clothes.

Yang Zimei used the Plum Blossom Yishu to calculate Luo Yinghao again, but the result was still the same.

What kind of disaster will Luo Yinghao encounter?
However, the hexagram also showed that the catastrophe did not endanger his life, which made Yang Zimei feel a little relieved.

As long as people are alive, there is no catastrophe that cannot be overcome.

Lan Yaya took out Luo Yinghao's clothes.

Yang Zimei solemnly set up an altar.

Some catastrophes are doomed and must be accepted.

Otherwise, if you resolve it this time, it will still appear next time.

What Yang Zimei is doing now is not to help Luo Yinghao eliminate disasters, but to enhance his vitality.

This is just a way to do one's best, and the most important thing is to rely on himself.

Yang Zimei finished helping Luo Yinghao cast a spell, and it was three o'clock in the morning.

She asked Lan Yaya to rest too, and she had to sneak home to check on her family, especially grandma.

Because she came back quietly, she didn't go through the main entrance, and went in directly through the wall of the house, only to see a person sitting on a stone bench under a tree.

(End of this chapter)

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