Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1653 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1653 Can the broken mirror be reunited (20)

"I'm talking about Mr. Yang! How can you say that about Niu Niu? It was you who did something wicked and opened a breakfast shop mixed with poppy powder that attracted the police, not with ulterior motives like you said!"

Said calmly and angrily.

He took Yang Zimei's cold little hand, and he understood even more how much wronged she had endured in front of this man.

What a pity I found her so late!
How could I give up looking for Zeng Hui and waste time as a monk?
"Oh, poppy powder? Where's the evidence?"

Yang Bai sneered and said, "You are accusing me for no reason, you really deserve to be your own grandparents, you are all equally bad!"

Regarding Yang Bai, Yang Zimei was completely speechless.

She said to Huang Sheng, "Director Huang, help me quickly call all the people from the Health Bureau, Quality Supervision Bureau, and Industry and Commerce Bureau!"

The treacherous and cunning Huang Sheng has already seen the clues.

Judging from the situation, Yang Zimei is going to break with Yang Bai completely.

Therefore, he hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then winked, letting the old cousin run away in disorder, and then he could put all the charges on Yang Bai and let him bear all the responsibilities.

Anyway, he listened to Yang Zimei in everything, and he would do whatever Yang Zimei wanted him to do with Yang Bai.

The directors of the Bureau of Quality Supervision, Industry and Commerce of the Health Bureau heard Huang Sheng say that Yang Zimei was calling, so they brought them here in a hurry, inspected the beef brisket powder, found out that it did contain poppy powder, and wanted to arrest the person in charge, Yang Bai.

Yang Bo yelled that he was wronged, saying that Yang Zimei had colluded with these bureaus and wanted to punish him!

Yang Zimei became even more speechless.

"Mr. Yang, you have to be careful when you say this. This is a matter with evidence and evidence. The test report is here. If you say that again, we can sue you for defaming a public official!"

Huang Sheng said to Yang Bai coldly.

It was only at this time that Yang Bai fully realized that the problem was not good.

He is already old, so he can't be forced to spend a miserable life in the prison, and then let Rong and their family reunite.

"Beef brisket powder and poppy powder are none of my business. I'm just a nominal shop owner. I have never set foot in the business. If I want to catch it, I will catch Li Liang!"

Yang Bai shouted loudly, "I was tricked!"

No one cares about him!
Huang Sheng was afraid that he would talk too much and bring out his old cousin Li Liang, so he waved his hand and told his subordinates to take Yang Bai away quickly.

Yang Bai had no other choice.

He had no choice but to beg Yang Zimei, "Niuniu, it's all grandpa's fault. Grandpa shouldn't say that about you. Grandpa knows that you love grandpa. You can't bear to let grandpa go to prison at an early age. Your grandma will be sad if she knows." dead."

He knew that the person Yang Zimei cared most about was Zeng Hui, so he hurriedly came out to help, "I agree that Li Liang will be the owner of this shop by name, and he also wants to make some money to buy some nice clothes for your grandma to make up for the past. My deficiency."

He really hit Yang Zimei's weakness.

From eavesdropping on the conversation between grandparents and grandparents last night, it can be seen that grandma still has certain feelings for this grandpa.

If I really get grandpa to the police station, grandma will really be sad to death.

How could she make grandma sad?

Seeing the hesitation on her face, Yang Bai knew that his trick had worked, so he hurriedly said, "Niu Niu, I just saw you with that grandpa just now. Grandpa also knows those ugly words, you have always been very filial to grandpa, it is grandpa's fault, he listened to the slander of the traitor, and became the owner of this unscrupulous shop in a daze. Niuniu, you know a lot of people, you must Help me get rid of the crime, otherwise, I will die now."

Seeing his changed face, Yang Zimei was helpless and ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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