Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1658 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1658 Can the broken mirror be reunited (25)

Seeing grandma like this, Yang Zimei knew that no matter how much he said now, it would be useless. What's more, he didn't know the real situation at that time. In case grandma got more excited if he talked too much, he should go to grandpa first. .

"Grandma, don't get excited, we won't mention these things for now."

Yang Zimei put his arms around grandma's shoulders and asked her to sit down.

Grandma looked at her and nodded.

Perhaps to cover up her inner emotions, grandma also asked about the situation of the Zeng family.

Yang Zimei also told her what he knew one by one.

Grandma just listened quietly and didn't say anything.

After Yang Zimei talked with her for a while, she called Ronghe on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

"I'm in the same bed as Sun Yan? How is this possible?"

After hearing her question, Rong He was very surprised, "I have always kept a certain distance from Sun Yan, and I have never had physical contact with her, so how could we be in the same bed?"

"Grandpa, is there really no such thing?"


"Could it be that you were drunk and you didn't know that there was an accident?"

"I usually only drink a little sake, at most to make myself slightly drunk, and I have never been drunk."

Hearing what Rong He said, Yang Zimei was relieved.

As long as grandpa has not done such a thing, there will be a day when the truth will be revealed.

But who was the man grandma saw that day?
Could it be the second grandpa who looks a bit like grandpa, right?

"Grandpa, could it be the second grandpa at that time? Therefore, grandma mistakenly thought it was you?"

"This is logically impossible. My second brother has never had any interaction with Sun Yan, not to mention that he was still in the army and not at home."

"That's weird."

Yang Zimei sighed and said, "Grandma's crux lies here. She felt that you betrayed her, so she left Beijing in a fit of anger and punished herself for being blind."


Rong He also sighed.

He knew before that Zeng Hui looked soft and weak on the surface, but in fact, her temper was so stubborn that even nine bulls could not be pulled back.

He really couldn't understand why he was shot while lying down, and somehow became the person who betrayed her?

You have to ask Sun Yan about this matter.

She was the instigator of the day.

"Niu Niu, we don't know much about this matter. Let's talk about it after I call Sun Yan."

Rong He took out the business card that Sun Yan left for him on the plane, and said to Yang Zimei.


Now, Sun Yan was a key person at that time.

Ronghe called Sun Yan.

When Sun Yan heard his voice, she was very excited, but still pretended to be reserved and calm, "Mr. Rong, hello, I never thought that you would take the initiative to call me."

"Mrs. Lei, hello, I'm taking the liberty."

When Rong He thought that she was the one who caused Zeng Hui to misunderstand that day, his tone became extremely cold.

"Don't take the liberty, I'm very happy. Are you in Guangyuan now? Let's go out for a cup of tea together?"

Sun Yan didn't notice the coldness in his tone, and continued to ask happily.

"Thank you. I'm not in Guangyuan."

"Oh? Then where are you now?"

"In City A."

"City A? What are you doing in such a remote place?"

"Looking for relatives."

"Looking for relatives?"

Ronghe didn't want to chat with her anymore, so he directly got into the topic, "Mrs. Lei, I didn't call you to greet you, but I have something important to ask you, which is related to my life. I hope you can answer truthfully."

(End of this chapter)

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