Chapter 1666

Zeng Hui's heart was both moved and regretted.

On that day, she saw that Rong He hadn't contacted her for more than a week, so she became sensitive and suspicious. When she came to Huang Man's house, she saw the shirt she had mended for him in Huang Man's room, and Sun Yan was lying on the bed. He was hugging someone who was calling Yonghwa's name.

She was so angry that she left in a hurry.

In fact, Sun Yan was drunk at the time, and what she hugged was just a pillow.

Zeng Hui stubbornly believed that Rong He had betrayed her, coupled with the accusations and pressure from her family, she could no longer bear it and left the capital.

Later, when she encountered disaster, Yang Bai saved her life and brought her home.

For the sake of the child in her womb, she also agreed to marry Yang Bai, as long as he could treat the child as his own.

The grievances of more than 40 years stemmed from a misunderstanding, and because of her, Rong He never married for life, and even became a monk. How could she not be wronged and regret it?

Looking at Zeng Hui's tears like a faucet turned on, Rong He's heart turned into a ball of mud, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only call her name.


Zeng Hui looked at Rong He, finally willing to call out his name directly.

Rong He was so excited that he wanted to reach out to hold Zeng Hui's hand again.

Zeng Hui withdrew her hand, still showing resistance on her face, she shook her head slightly and said, "Ronghe, I'm already someone else's wife."

Although her voice was not loud, it struck Rong He's heart heavily like a hammer.

He withdrew his hand back.

Yes, no matter what, Zeng Hui is still Yang Bai's wife.

At this time, Zeng Hui's emotions had been vented extremely violently, and she had recovered her composure, with a touch of coldness in her eyes.

This indifference, like a cold arrow, hurt Rong He's heart.


He nodded slightly, "I'm so jealous of him."

Zeng Hui looked at him and stood up, "Ronghe, I don't blame you anymore, but I also let you go. I have had a relationship with him for more than 40 years. This is not between you and me. The passion of the past can be compared. I hope you can also let me go, live the life you should live, and find a woman who can better accompany you."

Ronghe saw the determination in her eyes, and understood that she really couldn't return to his side.

"Okay, Huihui, take care, no matter who you are with, I will bless you and hope you can be happy."

Zeng Hui nodded, "Thank you, and I wish you happiness too. Thank you for keeping me in your heart for so many years."

After speaking, she lowered her head to pick up the sewing box, walked out, and never looked back.

Looking at her receding figure, Rong He secretly sighed.


Yang Zimei came out, "Perhaps, this is the best ending. After more than 40 years of separation, you are already different. If you are reluctant to stay together, it may kill the remaining feelings and the beauty of the past."

Rong He nodded, and reached out to pat her head, "Yes, having you all is enough for me. However, with your grandpa's personality, how hard will your grandma's life be in the future?"

"That's what she chose, too, right?"

Yang Zimei suddenly said, "Now I have fully understood one thing. No matter how bad the life I choose is, it is her own business. We others really don't need to care about it."


Rong He nodded, and let go of the big stone of guilt in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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