Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1668 Looking for Classmates

Chapter 1668 Looking for Classmates (2)

"What should we do? Zimei, there are eighteen people in total! If they can't find them, the family members must be in a panic. When I saw Yifeng's mother today, her hair was more than half gray, her eyes were dull, and she seemed to be in a hurry. I'm so stupid."

Xia Mo said anxiously.

Yang Zimei's heart also tugged.

Those were not eighteen strangers, but classmates who had laughed together before.

Although they also have annoying times, most of them are cute and kind.

How could she know that they were in trouble but ignore them?

Yang Zimei said to Xia Mo, "Don't worry, I will fly directly from Guangyuan to Nanwu Mountain and find a way to find them."

"Zimei, can you find them?"

"Not necessarily, but I will do my best!"

Yang Zimei said, "Now you are in charge of helping me find out the birth dates of eighteen of them. I'll do the math when I get there."

"Okay, Zimei, I have found all the characters, and I will fly over to join you."

Xia Mo said.

"Xia Mo, this is not an easy matter. I'm not on a tourist trip. If you come here, it may increase my burden. You just need to stay in City A and help me at any time."

Yang Zimei said hurriedly.

"Okay, then I'll stay in City A."

Xia Mo also knew that she was just an ordinary person, and going there would indeed bring burdens to Yang Zimei, so she didn't force her to go.

After hanging up Xia Mo's phone, Yang Zimei also called Long Zhutian.

"We will go directly to Nanwushan from the capital to join you."

Long Zhutian said, "I can no longer let you take risks alone."


Yang Zimei didn't refuse either.

With them around, the odds of finding someone will be much higher.

Especially Xuehu, he is a ten thousand year old demon with powerful mana, so it is quite easy to find someone.

As soon as Xiaoqian heard that she was able to reunite with Yang Zimei again, she was so happy that she hugged Lianyi and ran around several times.

For him, the life in the capital is too boring, and it is best to go out for a walk, especially the adventure, he likes it even more.

Therefore, Long Zhutian, Xuehu, Xiaoqian, Lianyi, and Long Zhuyue also set off in the capital.

However, they fly their own planes.

It was the plane that Long Zhuiyue gave to Yang Zimei last time.

As for airplane piloting, Long Zhutian also knows it, but it's inconvenient without an arm. The pilot is Long Zhuyue.

Because Yang Zimei's plane was delayed, when she arrived at the airport on Nanwushan, Long Zhutian and the others arrived earlier than her.

After getting off the plane, Yang Zimei was very happy to see them who picked them up.

"elder sister--"

Xiaoqian and Lianyi, like two little birds, threw themselves into her arms.

Yang Zimei hugged them happily and kissed them one by one.

Long Zhutian and Xuehu watched her from the front.

His eyes were so hot that he wished that he could transform into Xiaoqian Lianyi, and immediately threw himself into her arms.

The other gaze was as gentle as water, looking at her quietly with a smile on his face, as if he had traveled through thousands of years...

Yang Zimei looked at the two, put down Xiaoqian Lianyi, walked towards them, and called softly, "Zhutian, Xuehu."

Long Zhutian stretched out his arms to hug her slender waist, and hugged her into his arms.

The long-lost embrace made Yang Zimei feel attached, especially after the emotional turmoil between her grandparents, she cherished the relationship between the two even more.

She vowed that in the future, she would absolutely believe in Long Zhutian's heart for her, not to be pretentious, not to draw conclusions based on her own subjectivity, and to explain what she had to say, so as to give the other party a chance to justify.

(End of this chapter)

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