Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1671 Seeing the Black Cat Again

Chapter 1671 Seeing the Black Cat Again (2)

It has always followed the master.

If it is nearby, the master may be nearby too.

"Sister, I didn't see clearly. All the black cats in the world look similar, who can recognize them in the blink of an eye?"

Xiaoqian frowned.

"It's Xiao Hei."

Sadako said, "You can tell it's it from the sound."


Yang Zimei looked at Zhenzi and asked.

Sadako nodded.

Yang Zimei's figure had already jumped up, looking for the black cat everywhere.

Xuehu Lianyi, two foxes with a keen sense of smell, also helped in the search.

"Little black!"

Yang Zimei shouted loudly, "Where are you?"

She didn't expect the little black cat to respond.

Unexpectedly, she heard a "meow" sound coming from the front, which seemed to be responding to her.

"Xiao Hei, is it really you? If it's you, just answer twice!"

Yang Zimei shouted in surprise.

"Meow meow--"

There were really two replies from the front.

"Xiao Hei, stop for me! I'll go find you!"

Yang Zimei was overjoyed, and ran towards the direction of the sound at the fastest speed.

On a dwarf pine tree in front, the little black cat stood on the tree branch, blinking at her with dark green eyes, as if he wanted to tell her a lot.

"Little Black—"

Yang Zimei jumped over and held it in his arms.

The black cat meowed at her.

"Xiao Hei, where is my master?"

Yang Zimei stroked its head and asked impatiently.


The little black cat meowed again.

Yang Zimei didn't understand cat language, so she didn't know what it was going to say.

"Xiao Hei, take me to my master, will you?"

The little black cat looked at her, then shook its head, trying to escape from her arms.

Where is Yang Zimei willing to let go?

She firmly grasped one of its legs, "Xiao Hei, if you don't tell me where my master is, I won't let you go!"

"Meow meow meow--"

The little black cat cried anxiously, scratching its head with its paws, as if it wanted to express something, but couldn't express it.

"Xiao Hei, what do you want to say? Can you write? Write it to me."

Yang Zimei said anxiously.

The little black cat looked at her without making a sound or nodding.

At this time, Ripple came.

"Ripple, don't you know how to read minds? You read to me what it wants to say."

Yang Zimei hurriedly called Lianyi to stop.

Lianyi said with a wry smile, "Sister, I can read minds, but I don't understand cat language, so it's useless to read."

"That's right."

Yang Zimei was very distressed.

At this time, the black cat suddenly scratched the back of her hand.

Yang Zimei felt pain and let go of her hand.

The black cat quickly jumped away and disappeared into the bushes.

Yang Zimei was regretting, but saw Xuehu coming over with a black cat's tail, and asked Yang Zimei, "Is this the little black you mentioned?"

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Meow meow--"

The black cat barked twice anxiously.

"Niu Niu? Is it calling you Niu Niu?"

Xuehu asked Yang Zimei suspiciously.

"Xuehu, how do you know it's called Niuniu? Didn't it meow twice?"

Yang Zimei asked in surprise, "Do you speak cat language?"

"I have lived for more than 1 years, and I more or less understand the language of all things in the world."

Xuehu nodded.

"That's great, you can ask it for me, where is my master."

Yang Zimei said happily.

"Meow meow meow……"

The black cat took the initiative to speak cat language.

Xuehu's expression became serious.

"It said it was you, the uncle!"

Snow Lake said.

(End of this chapter)

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