Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1682 Peach Wood Card

Chapter 1682 Peach Wood Card (2)

"Yes, I am a dead person, how could I die again?"

Sadako stood up with a face of relief, "Since I won't die, master you won't die either, everything is back to normal."

"By the way, Sadako, when I shook the little clock just now, didn't you feel much?"

Yang Zimei took out the little clock and shook it gently in front of Zhenzi.

Hearing the sound of the bell, Sadako frowned slightly, and nodded, "Before, when I heard you shaking the little bell, I felt as if my whole body was about to be torn apart. Now, it's just a headache, not much. question."

"That's strange."

Yang Zimei took out her mirror again, and took a picture of Zhenzi's body.

What surprised her was that there was actually a soul attached to Sadako's body.

She is most familiar with this soul, it is actually the soul of her previous life.

However, it's a little different, in addition to the lack of blood, it seems to still vaguely look like Sadako.

How is this going?

She looked at herself in the mirror.

The soul of the previous life that was originally attached to him has really disappeared, and only the soul of this life is left.

Do souls transfer attachments?

According to what Abe Qingtian said, as Sadako's practice improves, she will gradually absorb her spiritual power and soul, and finally replace herself, and she will become a living dead.

It's all right now, what she absorbed was actually her soul from the previous life.

This soul gradually merged with Sadako's original consciousness, forming a brand new soul—Sadako's soul.

Therefore, Sadako, who has a soul, is no longer a living dead, and begins to have life.

What a wonderful coincidence!

Thinking of this, Yang Zimei was so excited that she wanted to cry!
Seeing her expression became agitated, Sadako looked at her blankly and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Yang Zimei stretched out her arms and hugged Zhenzi, "Zhenzi, you must be happy! Be happy instead of poor her!"

Sadako didn't understand what she said.

Because all she has is the soul of Yang Zimei's previous life, not her soul consciousness from her previous life.

Yang Zimei let go of Zhenzi, and looked at herself carefully with the mirror again.

There is no soul from the previous life anymore, is it a brand new start for me now?
Does it mean that you don't have to bear all kinds of tragedies from the previous life?
"Master, why am I not afraid of the bell?"

Zhenzi didn't know what Yang Zimei was thinking now, she just wondered why she wasn't afraid of the bell.

"Because you are gradually becoming a living person, you already have a soul!"

Yang Zimei took her hand and said, "Zhenzi, thank you!"

"I became a living person? I have a soul? Why?"

Sadako asked in a daze.

"You don't need to know these things. In short, you know that you will soon become a living person."

"Master, I don't want to restore my previous memories, I just want to be Sadako."

"It's okay, you are Sadako, haha!"

Yang Zimei laughed out loud, very happy.

Carrying the soul of the previous life, it has been like a big stone in her heart, weighing heavily on her body, now it has been unloaded to Sadako, and the soul of the master is also released, how can she not be happy?
Seeing her happy, Sadako's heart also became sincerely happy.

Abe Qingtian is dead, so there is no need to worry that one day I will become a monster out of control. If it is really like what Yang Zimei said, I can gradually become a living person, that would be the best, that's the only way, Only then can she live with Jiang Ziliang normally and live the life of raising children like an ordinary woman.

(End of this chapter)

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