Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1693 Journey to the West of the State

Chapter 1693 Journey to the West of the State (6)

The rain continued, as if the sky was leaking.

Yang Zimei and others had no choice but to continue squatting in the room and could not go out.

She was idle, so she took out the sheepskin map from the storage ring, put it in the middle, and shared it with everyone.

"I also have this map."

Grandpa Zhuge also took out a sheepskin map from his pocket.

The material is the same, and it seems that the age of production is similar.

I don't know if closing your eyes and touching it will cause hallucinations?
She tried to close her eyes, and put her hand on the map of Zhuge's house.

Hallucinations appear...

However, this illusion is completely different from the illusion of his own map.

Every time she touches her map, the scene she perceives is extremely dangerous.

It's different now. I seem to be in a beautiful, quiet and peaceful place with a big tree in front of me.

That big tree looked familiar to her, but she forgot where she had seen it before.

Under the big tree, a small white figure curled up.

Take a closer look, it is actually a snow lake.

She walked over and sat on the stone bench beside Xuehu Lake.

At this time, Long Zhutian came out, he was wearing a black ancient costume, the wide sleeves were trimmed with black gold trim, he looked handsome and elegant.

She also felt familiar with this dress.

Long Zhutian sat down on the other side of the stone table and took out the Go board.

Yang Zimei remembered.

The situation in front of me is exactly the mural found in the ancient tomb in the western suburbs.

Just as she was rejoicing, she heard someone whispering in her ear, "Girl!"

The hallucinations in his mind disappeared all of a sudden, and when he opened his eyes, he looked up and saw Xuehu's caring pupils and Long Zhutian's tense face.

"See what?"

Long Zhutian asked aloud.

"It was a beautiful sight to see."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "Try it!"

Long Zhutian also closed his eyes to touch, and Yang Zimei saw a rare smile rippling from the corner of his lips, and his stern face gradually eased, showing a happy and contented look.

I don't know if he will see the same as himself.

Yang Zimei couldn't help stretching out her finger and placed it on the map.

As soon as the hallucination appeared, her face immediately burned red.

They were actually in the same tent, Long Zhutian gently took off her clothes, and kissed her body.

This feeling was so real and strong that she couldn't help but let out a low moan...

Xuehu clapped her shoulder with his hand, and the hallucination disappeared again. When she opened her eyes, everyone looked at her with strange expressions.

She touched her still feverish face.

Could it be that his voice just now was also uttered in this reality?


It's really embarrassing!
"Ha ha--"

Zhuge Yue smirked at the side, "Yang Zimei, you looked like a kitten when you called Chun just now."


Yang Zimei let out a shy cry, covered her face and rushed out, raised her head to let the rain wash away her still youthful body and mind and cover up the embarrassment just now.

What a shame!

If only Zhuge Yue was present, that's fine, there are also seniors like Zhuge Grandpa, Zhuge Mingzhu and Guan Feng.

Let them watch, what will they think of themselves?

Yang Zimei was an old maid in her previous life, and in this life, she received classical education on the mountain for ten years. Although she is often dazzled by handsome men, her thinking is still traditional.

Long Zhutian came out of the house, reached out and took her hand, "Sister, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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