Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1697 Journey to the West of the State

Chapter 1697 Journey to the West of the State (10)

The passage below is the blue stone steps, and there are many murals around, and every ten meters, a long lamp is lit, shadowy.

The passage is too quiet, so quiet that people can't feel the circulation of air, so quiet that everyone can clearly hear the echo of their own footsteps.

The echo of this footstep is louder than usual, and it will repeat three times. At first glance, it seems that there are many people walking on the passage.

"Strange, I remember that when I came with Yuqing last time, there was no such passage."

Guan Feng tilted his head and said, "But we also came in through the gap in that stone gate."

"I've never seen this passage before. As soon as I walked into the stone gate, I immediately fell in with a grunt."

Grandpa Zhuge also said.

"Yes, I fell into a deep pit directly, and then separated from Yuqing."

Guan Feng tried hard to recall.

"That's really strange, obviously there is this passage behind the door."

Yang Zimei thought for a while, "Maybe, you have entered another different dimension, or maybe we have entered a different dimension now."

Yang Zimei was already familiar with the space of different dimensions, so she interpreted this unbelievable phenomenon as a space of different dimensions.

After everyone heard this, they didn't say any more, but quietly followed Yang Zimei and the others.

The passage of stone steps was winding, and after walking at least another 1000 meters, I saw another stone gate.

The stone door was completely closed, as if no one had ever opened it.

"Have you seen this?"

Yang Zimei turned around and asked.

Guan Feng and Grandpa Zhuge shook their heads.

Yang Zimei found the groove on the stone gate, and just wanted to print the mahogany plaque on it, but thinking of what Guan Feng said just now, she gave the mahogany plaque in her hand to Long Zhutian for him to try.

Long Zhutian took the mahogany card and printed it on the groove.

For a long time, there was no change in the stone gate.

Yang Zimei was puzzled, could it be that he was the only one who could do it?
She took out the mahogany card and printed it herself, but it didn't work.

"Niu Niu, this mahogany card in your hand is normal, use the one on your neck."

Guan Feng suggested from the side.

When Long Zhutian heard it, he took off the mahogany plaque around his neck and put it on.

He wanted to prove that he was also the owner of the mahogany plaque, and that he was truly inextricably linked with this ancient tomb.

Sure enough, he did not disappoint.

The dark mahogany sign printed on the stone gate suddenly lit up with a red indicator light.

At this moment, the mahogany plaque on Yang Zimei's neck also lit up with a blue indicator light.

The two lines of light merged together in the air, and then the stone door began to creak, and slowly slid to one side.

"Niu Niu, isn't this the Mahogany brand? How could there be such a laser-like thing?"

Guan Feng asked suspiciously.

Yang Zimei shook his head, "I don't know either."

She originally wanted to say that, in addition to turning on the indicator light, the mahogany card would also turn into a cold blue color, which would cause changes in her bodily functions.

However, this kind of change can only happen if he sleeps with Long Zhutian.

The stone door is fully opened.

Long Zhutian took out the mahogany card, with a look of relief on his face.

Just now, he was really afraid that he could not open the door.

If he is not the owner of this place, then what are the hallucinations and calling voices that have been confusing in his mind since he was a child?
However, because the 14 yuan mahogany card was found by Yang Zimei, he felt a little uneasy.

Standing at the open stone gate, Yang Zimei felt a chilly wind blowing out from inside and into the neck, feeling very cold.

(End of this chapter)

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