Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1705 Journey to the West of the State

Chapter 1705 Journey to the West of the State (18)

"The statue can talk?"

Long Zhutian asked in surprise.

"Well, but you have to use peach wood cards to activate their mechanisms."

Yang Zimei said sadly, "Because you are not here, we are now trapped here. Only the mahogany plaque on my body can't activate the mechanism for the exit. It seems that I have to sense your instrument."

"Don't panic, I'm looking for an exit here, maybe we just accidentally choked the road just now."

Long Zhutian was looking for the groove while talking on the phone.

The place he was in was like a mountain stream in a paradise, with green grass and green water, incomparably fresh, making people feel a burst of peace.

He didn't know how he came to such a place, logically speaking, it should be in the underground palace.

However, he had heard Yang Zimei talk about the strange spaces of the ancient tombs in the eastern suburbs of city A and the ancient tombs of Huangcun before, so he didn't panic, but looked for a way out more carefully.

Because they were still in contact with Long Zhutian, Yang Zimei and the others were not in a hurry and waited with peace of mind for his sudden appearance.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Long Zhutian shouted happily, "I found it, I found it!"

As he spoke, he printed the mahogany sign on it.

The mahogany sign shone brightly, and the big stone that seemed to be randomly set on the mountain began to move, and finally a hole appeared.

"Sister, I saw a hole, but I don't know where it leads."

Long Zhutian said.

"No matter where you lead, remember to keep in touch with me and don't turn off your phone."

Yang Zimei exhorted.


The mobile phone in Long Zhutian's hands is not an ordinary mobile phone on the market, but a high-end military high-end mobile phone given to him by Jiang Ziliang. It has a super powerful battery and strong signal receiving ability.

Long Zhuiyue and Yang Zimei also each have one.

The mobile phones of the three of them have already been set up. Even if there is no ordinary communication signal, as long as they are within a hundred kilometers, they can receive each other's information.

Long Zhutian poked his head in and looked at the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave was like a bottomless well. He couldn't see what was inside, but felt the cold wind blowing up from below.

However, the little snake that made a contract with him started to move excitedly.

"Master, I'm home, I'm going home."

It uses heart language to communicate with Long Zhutian.

"Are you going home? Is there a snake cave below?"

Long Zhutian asked in awe.

"I don't know, it just feels familiar."

The little snake hurriedly urged him, "Master, hurry down!"

Looking at the bottomless hole, imagining that there may be many snakes waiting inside, no matter how daring he is, he will still feel a little creepy and feel chills down his spine.

However, he has no choice, and there is no other way to go except this road.

So, he also took out the steel claw, clasped the hole tightly, grabbed the rope and jumped down.

His rope is 500 meters long...

However, jumping to the end of the rope, the hole has not yet come to an end.

What kind of hole is it, so deep?

"Master, let go of the rope and continue to jump down, it's okay, I will protect you!"

The little snake said excitedly.

Long Zhutian shook his hands, the steel claws fell out of the hole, and his body also fell down...

The little snake broke away from his body and slid down by itself.

After a few seconds, Long Zhutian felt that his feet had stepped on the ground, as if they had landed on something soft and slippery...

(End of this chapter)

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