Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1727 Finale Chapter

Chapter 1727 The Ending (9)

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her lower abdomen, and a hot current flowed out.

She suddenly remembered one thing, and then she, who was still in a blurred and soft heart, pushed Long Zhutian away with a bang like a slingshot, and screamed in panic, "No! The aunt is here!"

Long Zhutian was completely immersed in lust at this moment, he was suddenly caught off guard, and was pushed backward by her. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have almost fallen to the back of his head and suffered a concussion.

"Big aunt? Where do you have a big aunt?"

For a moment, Long Zhutian didn't realize what the aunt she was talking about was, "Even if your mother is here, she can't control us at this time."

Yang Zimei looked down at the red-stained trousers under her, blushing, "It's that big aunt! It's not suitable to have sex today!"

Long Zhutian also saw the abnormality in her trousers, and instantly understood what that big aunt was.

"O, SHIT!"

He raised his head and let out a long roar, and punched the table next to him.

The table shattered into pieces and piled down like a puddle of mud.

However, none of this could relieve Long Zhutian's irritable and depressed mood.

This aunt wants to play with him!
Don't come late, don't come early, but why come at this critical moment!

Simply too much!

From then on, he hated the three words "auntie" so much!
Yang Zimei was also extremely annoyed!

Seeing that I can soon realize the dream of an old maid, try the wonderful feeling of Wushan Yunyu when Jinfeng Yulu meets, and become one with Long Zhutian. At the critical moment of her passion, the aunt came as scheduled, spoiled her good deeds.

This hateful aunt!

Yang Zimei cursed weakly, reached out to pick up the school uniform on the ground, put it on her body, zipped it up, and went into the bathroom.

The bathroom is luxurious and spacious, with everything available, but there is a lack of sanitary napkins.

She forgot that these days would be the days when her aunt would come, so she also forgot to prepare such things as sanitary napkins in the storage ring.

You have to go out and sell it back.

But she is very inconvenient now, what should I do?
Burned by desire, Long Zhutian continued to destroy a few pieces of furniture, calmed down a little, and wanted to go to the bathroom to solve the problem by himself, but found that Yang Zimei hadn't come out yet.

He was also familiar with Yang Zimei's menstrual period.

Although her abilities are extraordinary, she is still the same as ordinary girls in this respect. Whenever her aunt arrives, she looks sick and dying, and she bleeds a lot, at least bigger than ordinary girls. Several times, it will even cause unbearable abdominal pain.

"Sister, are you okay? Does your stomach hurt?"

He knocked on the door and asked nervously.

"It's not very painful at the moment, but—"

Yang Zimei hesitated a little, now the only person who can sell sanitary napkins is Long Zhutian.

Would it be too embarrassing for him to be a big man selling sanitary napkins?

"but what?"

Long Zhutian asked nervously.

"I...I didn't bring...sanitary napkins."

Yang Zimei said it with so much difficulty that she blushed herself.

Xixi's new article "Campus Rebirth: The Queen's Domineering Side Leakage" When a ruthless, cunning, rogue and violent queen who respects the country, transmigrates to a poor, ugly, weak and incompetent girl, what will happen on and off the campus in the 21st century? The domineering side leaking hot scene?People in the world belittle me, scold me, humiliate me, and harm me, how should I deal with it?The Queen replied: Beat him!beat him!beat him!And beat him!A certain enchanting man: I will belittle you, scold you, humiliate you, and harm you! [Growth-type essays, strong women and strong men, involving campus turmoil, grievances of wealthy families, entertainment gossip, supernatural powers, rules of urban survival...]

(End of this chapter)

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