Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1751 Finale Chapter

Chapter 1751 The Ending (33)

"My son's name is Li Liang. If you see him, tell him to report back home safely."

Master Li ignored Yang Zimei's refusal, but continued to speak.

Li Liang?

Hearing this name, Yang Zimei felt a little familiar, thought for a while, then widened his eyes in surprise, looked at Long Zhutian and asked, "Could it be that Li Liang?"

Long Zhutian was also slightly surprised.

Li Liang in the history books ended the Dashun Dynasty, pacified the surrounding small countries, and established the unified Li Dynasty Empire. He was rated as one of the most wise emperors by later generations. (PS: It is purely fictitious, please don't take it for granted)

Could this Master Li's son be the Li Liang who was repeatedly put on various screens and performed in various versions in the 21st century?

Yang Zimei remembered that when she watched the TV series "Li Chao Empire" in her last life, she was very fond of Li Liang, and she looked at him as a god-like idol.

Master Li heard them mentioning Li Liang, thought they had already seen his son, so he hurriedly asked, "Have you seen him? Where is he now? Is he all right?"

"Master, may I ask what is your first and last name Gao?"

In order to determine whether his son was the emperor Li Liang, Yang Zimei asked Master Li's name.

"My surname is Li, my name is Min, and my name is Yan."

Master Li replied.

Hearing this name, Yang Zimei secretly gasped.

Sure enough, she remembered that Li Liang's father was named Li Min in the history books, and his name was Yan.

I really didn't expect that I would meet the father of the founding emperor in ancient times here, what a coincidence.

She carefully observed the face in front of her, which was very similar to her master's face, and she really had the appearance of an emperor, but it was the kind that was not blessed, and her personal fate was extremely poor.

It is also recorded in the history books that after Li Liang became the emperor, he also mourned his father as the emperor, had a new burial, and built an ancestral temple to worship and pray for blessings.

"Master, although I haven't seen your son yet, I can be sure that your son will be safe and sound now and can live to be 76 years old."

Yang Zimei said to Master Li.

"how do you know?"

Master Li looked at her in astonishment, "Could it be that you are a fairy descending to earth?"

Although Yang Zimei wore a wax leather mask and her face looked ordinary, she still couldn't conceal her distinctive elegant temperament, and the silk clothes on her body were not what people of this era could do, so Mrs. Li also It is suspected that she is a fairy.

"No, I'm just a physiognomist."

Yang Zimei replied with a smile.

When she said this, Mr. Li didn't believe it, thinking that what she just said was nonsense.

Because in this dynasty, there were only male physiognomy, not female physiognomy.

At this time, Long Xiao and Long Feifei also rushed down.

"Day by day—"

Long Xiao called Long Zhutian's name.

This was the first time he called, and his tone was full of emotion.

When Long Zhutian's heart was called out by him, the coldness that was originally pretended to be cold instantly fell apart and moved softly.

This is the call of the father!
When he was bullied and called a bastard when he was a child, and was beaten all over his body, he longed for countless times that his father would come out from the other side of the street, call his name, pick him up, and help him beat those bullies away.

However, repeated disappointments made him think that he no longer had any illusions.

Unexpectedly, this fantasy still exists deep in my heart, as if I have been waiting for this call.

(End of this chapter)

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