Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1781 Finale Chapter

Chapter 1781 The Ending (63)

Yang Zimei naturally didn't like being pointed at with a sword, so she took out the Yanyue knife from the storage ring, swung it casually, and swept away the weapons of these brave soldiers on the battlefield.

Her skills have long been able to be freely used, let alone a dozen people, even thousands of horses and horses are not under her words.

In the era of the jungle, the strong are respected.

This move of hers once again shocked everyone present.

Among them, the man who had been sitting in the middle of the seat wearing Tsing Yi and a blue cloth baotou, with a bit of elegance, a bit of ruffian, and a bit of dignity, suddenly left his seat, knelt down on one knee in front of Yang Zimei and Long Zhutian, clasped his fists, "My next Li Liang pays homage to the two Flying Immortals, please forgive me for my recklessness!"

"Li Liang?"

Yang Zimei looked intently at the man in green in front of him. He really looked like an emperor. Although his appearance was completely different from the description in the history books, it was clear that this was Li Liang, the emperor who would rule the world in the future and who would love him for thousands of years. He also looked very similar to him. He is the son of Li Min, his master.

"I'm Li Liang, please be kind to the immortal."

Li Liang said with a pious face.

"Ha ha--"

Yang Zimei smiled, she actually traveled back to this era, and even came directly in front of Li Liang, this is really an unbelievable thing.

Her smile was like a flowering epiphyllum, so dazzlingly beautiful that the soldiers present were in a trance for a while.

Only fairies can be so beautiful, tall and powerful, right?
They thought to themselves.

Those who thought that Yang Zimei and Yang Zimei were monsters before and took out their swords to deal with them also secretly regretted it, fearing that they would offend the gods and cause a catastrophe.

Li Liang was also attracted by Yang Zimei's smile, and as a result, in the rest of his life, he would never forget it.

Yang Zimei thought that since they regarded themselves as gods, it didn't matter if they pretended to be gods, so she sat down with Long Zhutian openly, and quietly looked at what state they were in now.

Seeing that they didn't leave, Li Liang thought they were sent by heaven to help him, so he asked them about the situation.

Yang Zimei naturally couldn't reveal the secret, but just said "The world belongs to you".

Just such a sentence is enough for Li Liang.

From the beginning when he had nowhere to go, he now has a relatively powerful army. The bitterness and hesitation in it made him want to be recruited by the court several times.

Now, with the affirmation of the immortal, he also considers himself to be a man of destiny, muster up his courage, and continue to move forward...

Yang Zimei and Long Zhutian didn't want to participate in their history at first, but the damn time box didn't work anymore, and there was nothing to do after getting tired of playing in this time and space.

What's more, they couldn't bear to cause the people to live in distress because of the war. They just wanted to help Li Liang quickly end the war, realize the great unification, make the people feel stable, and the people live in peace. They stayed by Li Liang's side and helped him make plans to finally establish Li Liang became the founding emperor of the Dayong Dynasty, which is well-known in later generations.

Li Liang is indeed a courageous politician, Yang Zimei only needs to give him a little advice, and he knows how to govern the country and the world.

The country stabilized, and various policies beneficial to the people's livelihood were carried out, which made the Dayong Dynasty start to become strong and prosperous, and worshiped everywhere.

In order to thank Yang Zimei and Long Zhutian, Li Liang built three underground palaces for them.

Coincidentally, among the three underground palaces, one is located in the later Huangcun, one is in City A, and the other is in the west of the state.

[Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes to Xixi, I am very moved, I love you, this article is almost finished, remember to help Xixi share this article on your space Weibo to cheat your pig friends, hey-hey. 】

(End of this chapter)

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