Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 303 Long Zhutian, What Are You Swollen?

Chapter 303 Long Zhutian, What Are You Swollen?

When I got home downstairs, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the whole building were turned off, except for the lights in my own home.

With a warm heart, he quickly went upstairs and opened the door.

Sure enough, Dad was still waiting in the living room, his head resting on the sofa, falling asleep.

Under the light, looking at her father's face that was getting old day by day, her heart was warm and sad at the same time.


She walked over and called softly.


Yang Qing responded, rubbed his eyes, and asked in a vague tone, "Niuniu, you just came back?"

"Well, I have something to do." Yang Zimei stood behind him, reaching out to massage his shoulders.

"Niu Niu, you have worked hard all day outside, Dad is not tired and does not need a massage." Yang Qing asked her to sit down.

"Dad, don't wait for me so late at night, you have to go to bed early."

"I don't see you coming back, my father's heart is uneasy, how can I sleep with peace of mind?" Yang Qing looked at his daughter, "Today, my father saw the explosion of the bus and scared him to death. I was worried that you would also get on that bus. Fortunately You called back later."

"I'll be fine." Yang Zimei patted his hand emotionally and said, "You know, I also have the ability to turn danger into luck."

"It's not that my father doesn't know that you are a good fortune teller. You can only help others out of danger, but you don't know anything about yourself." Yang Qing reached out and stroked her hair, "No matter how powerful you are, my father will not be afraid of you." Still worried about you."

Yang Zimei leaned her head on his father's shoulder, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely protect myself."

"Niu Niu, let's try to do as little as possible to spy on the secrets of the sky. I always feel uneasy about the five disadvantages and three disadvantages." Yang Qing said.

"Yeah." Yang Zimei nodded. In fact, she felt even more uneasy, and she was even more afraid that her family would be affected because of her disordered energy.

"A girl's family, don't come back so late in the future, you know?" Yang Qing taught again.

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Then I'm going to bed, and you go to bed early too." Yang Qing got up and went back to his room.

Yang Zimei watched him enter the room, her heart was both warm and heavy.

She is an extremely insecure child, the happier she is, the more she is afraid of losing, and she is afraid that everything will become a flash in the water.

Back in the room, I took out my mobile phone to check, there was still no text message from Long Zhutian, and when I dialed his number, the prompt was still turned off.

What the hell is wrong with him?
Are you too busy to check your phone?

Or maybe something happened?

Thinking of this, her heart fluttered like never before, thinking of the scene she saw in Shenzhen that day.

She picked up the mahogany plaque on her chest with her fingers——

The blue light in the center of the mahogany card flickered for a moment, then went out again.

Why is Taomu brand so strange today?
She couldn't figure it out--

Feeling restless, she took out a piece of jadeite and began to carve a zodiac pendant, planning to give one piece to Xia Mo, one piece to Lan Yaya, one piece to Min Gang, one piece to Lin Qingmei, and one piece to Lin Qingmei's unborn child.

Xia Mo and Min Gang are both rabbits, Lan Yaya is a horse, Lin Qingmei is a snake, the child will be a dragon.

For Xia Mo's rabbit and Min Gang's rabbit, she naturally couldn't carve them the same.

Xia Mo is a girl who likes cute and playful things, so she sculpts the little rabbit into Tuzki's funny shape, while Min Gang's rabbit is sculpted rigidly, flexible and vivid.

After carving these two rabbits, my mood gradually calmed down.

He raised his eyes and looked out of the window, at this moment, how much he longed for Long Zhutian to jump in suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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