Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 306: Fragments of Formation

Chapter 306: Fragments of Formation (2)
Yuqing once studied the fragments of the Nine Palaces Flying Star Formation with her, but unfortunately, the formations recorded in the fragments were not complete. The two of them studied for ten years, and based on their understanding of the formations, they made the Nine Palaces Flying Stars The array is complete.

It's just that the skill of the formation always lacks a little bit of perfection, but the two of them couldn't find any flaws.

The real purpose of Yuqing's travels this year is to find the complete version of the real Nine Palaces of Flying Stars.

It's a pity that until now, what he can see is still the fragmented copy, and no one has seen the real complete copy.

However, although this formation is incomplete, it is enough for homestead construction.

Most feng shui masters can use it, but it is a little bit of the original.

Yang Zimei used white marble that can gather spirits to lay out the formation. If he added a few magic tools with enough mana, the Nine Palaces Flying Star Formation, the Spirit Gathering Formation, and the unique evil spirit suction, there would be a great future here. It is a legend of Feng Shui position.

The two masters and apprentices chatted until dawn.

Xia Guohui brought his workers over early to start work.

Seeing Yang Zimei sitting with an old Taoist who looked like a fairy, bathed in the morning mist, Xia Guohui was in a trance for a moment, thinking he was hallucinating.

"Uncle Xia, so early?"

Seeing Xia Guohui showing up with the construction team so early, Yang Zimei was a little stunned, and stepped forward to say hello.

"Xiaomei, it's really you! Who is the priest?"

He found that Daoist Yuqing's long hair was all silvery white, and he tied up a Taoist bun high with a jade bun. Although the blue Taoist robe on his body was a bit worn out, it was difficult to conceal his natural and elegant look, especially his eyes, which were like glass , as if seeing all the prosperity in the world, compassionate to the world, but full of vitality that is extremely disproportionate to his old face.

In his mind, Yang Zimei was already a god-like existence.

And this old Taoist priest, can't he be a real old fairy?

"Uncle Xia, this is my master, Daoist Yuqing." Yang Zimei introduced him.

"Hello, Taoist Master Yuqing!" Xia Guohui hurriedly greeted Yuqing with a devout expression.

Yuqing nodded.

Xia Guohui pulled Yang Zimei aside, and asked softly, "Xiaomei, is your master an immortal?"

"Hehe, Uncle Xia was joking, my master is just a Taoist." Yang Zimei said with a smile.

"Then how old is he? Is he 70?"

"120 is three years old."

"Ah? 120 and three years old? That's amazing. He seems to be in good spirits. He's about the same age as six or seventy. Are you sure he's not an old god?" Xia Guohui yelled.

"Uncle Xia, master, he has always been pure-minded and diligent in cultivation, so he prolongs his life." Yang Zimei explained, "Since ancient times, Taoist disciples generally have a relatively long life span."

"Well, I usually read the same thing in the books. I thought it was all made up, but now it seems to be true." Xia Guohui nodded, and then asked expectantly, "Xiaomei, Uncle Xia also wants to practice immortality and Taoism. I don't know if you guys are willing to give me some pointers?"

"If Uncle Xia sincerely wants to practice, I can also teach him some qi-guiding techniques, but it can only play a role in strengthening the body, because to cultivate immortality and Taoism, you must have a certain chance and spiritual energy. "Yang Zimei said with a smile, she doesn't mind carrying forward the metaphysics of qi-guiding, because this is also the wish of the master.

"Okay, okay, uncle understands, thank you Xiaomei." Xia Guohui was very excited.

"After this house is completed, uncle will come over once a week, and I will ask the master to guide you." Yang Zimei has always had a good impression of Xia Guohui, not only because he is the father of his friend Xia Mo, but also because he has The kindness, honesty, honesty and integrity that ordinary businessmen don't have.

Therefore, she also sincerely hoped that he would live a long and healthy life, and it would be of great benefit to him to practice Qi Dao at ordinary times.

(End of this chapter)

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