Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 330 The fate of becoming a ghost?

Chapter 330 The fate of becoming a ghost?
On an off-road vehicle heading for the Gobi Desert.

Long Zhutian, who was driving wildly to avoid the desert wolf who was chasing him, suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

He reached out and touched his heart, as if he felt someone calling him constantly.

His black eyes sank and his face was serious.

Could it be that something happened to my sister?

He is familiar with Yang Zimei's abilities. Logically speaking, in a place like City A, no one can hurt her!

Are you worrying too much?
The wolves behind were getting closer and closer.

He didn't have time to think too much, the car suddenly turned around and rushed towards the path of the wolves!
No matter how much you worry about!

Now he has to quickly get out of this deserted Gobi desert without any signal, dial Yang Zimei's number, and hear her message of safety.

As for what he was looking for, it didn't matter if he was late, Yang Zimei's safety was the most important thing.

Miluo walked to the corner, picked up a baby's head, and said with a gloomy look: "Do you know what it is? This is the product of my failure! As for you, I have confidence and will not fail, haha , In this world, there is no other body and soul that is so suitable for making ghosts like you."

Ghost drop is a special method used by ghost drop masters, such as drawing symbols on corpses (and living ones) to make corpses obey their own orders.

However, for the corpses or living bodies that have been cast with spells, they are very painful, and their souls are full of hatred. If the caster's morality is not enough, not only will he not be able to successfully control the ghost drop, but he may also be reversed because of hatred. Come and eliminate them, and the ghost descending will become a real disaster.

According to legend, the strongest ghost drop is made from a living baby, using blood as a charm, and the baby must survive for a long time. If it succeeds, the cultivated ghost drop is called vampire drop.

Mi Luo has always wanted to perform the most powerful blood ghost surrender, but failed several times, and even suffered backlash, which made him ridiculed among the head descendants, especially the senior brother, who has always despised his poor aptitude, It shames him to have no talent.

Therefore, he vowed that he must create the most powerful ghost descender in the world, defeat his senior brother, and be proud in the ghost descendant world.

One day, he found a more powerful method than vampire drop from a fragmented scroll, that is to use a pure girl with evil spirit as the carrier of ghost drop.

He searched all over Southeast Asia, but couldn't find a suitable one, until Basong found Yang Zimei.

As for Yang Zimei, who practiced the technique of guiding Qi, her physical ability is beyond the reach of ordinary girls, and she is more suitable for making a powerful ghost drop. If he can do it, he is confident that he will be invincible in the world.

Yang Zimei looked at the horrible baby's head, and felt even more horrified, worried that she would become that ghost who had no will and was manipulated like a walking corpse.

Could it be that his life in this life will end up like this?

Is there anyone who can come and save her?

Basong pushed open the door, and when he saw Miluo, he prostrated himself on the ground and kowtowed: "Master, the meal is ready, please go out and eat."

"Well, I'll go right away!" Miluo threw the baby's head in his hand, and Basong trembled in fright, screaming in his heart that it would be bad luck for eight lifetimes. The drudgery is not counted, and I still walk on eggshells all the time, worrying that he will let me down.

Seeing Ba Song, Yang Zimei remembered that he was the one selling butterfly cards.

It turned out that everything was caused by him!

(End of this chapter)

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