Chapter 356 Luo Bai
Yang Zimei followed Min Gang to the place temporarily rented by the company he chose.

Because there is really no more money, and it is just the beginning of development, Min Gang has combined various factors and chose this place. The rent is a little cheaper, and it is not too remote. It is just located at the end of the commercial street that will be formed in the future. .

As far as Feng Shui is concerned, it is not bad.

Yang Zimei arranged a money-gathering and fortune formation for it, which has a certain feng shui effect on future development.

"This is my office, and this is reserved for you, you, the second largest shareholder, come and sit down when you have time." Min Gang pointed to a rather elegant and simple office and said to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei smiled, "I'm not very interested in the company's operations, you should leave this office for other staff, don't waste it, at most I can sit in your office when I have time to come over. "

Min Gang looked directly at her with black eyes, "Zimei, you have invested so much in me, do you trust me so much? Are you afraid that I will throw away your money?"

Yang Zimei smiled slyly, "Of course I'm not afraid, I believe you can do a good job and bring me endless dividends, and I'll just sit back and enjoy it, hehe."

Seeing her trusting and encouraging him so much, Min Gang was very moved, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must make this company a success and make himself the best businessman.

At this time, two brothers and sisters, Luo Bai and Luo Qing, also came.

Luo Bai's complexion is much better. He is wearing a white, slightly old Tang suit. However, the material looks very good and the workmanship is exquisite. It used to be a first-class clothing.

Wearing such attire, he had the air of a down-and-out nobleman.

As soon as he saw Yang Zimei, his eyes were full of gratitude and humility, he stepped forward and bowed and said: "Miss Yang, are you here?"

Yang Zimei nodded with a smile, "Don't call me Miss Yang so politely, just call me Zimei or Xiaomei."

"Hmm!" Luo Bai tried to call softly, "Little...eyebrow..."

This made his own heart tremble slightly.

In his mind, Yang Zimei was already equivalent to the existence of a real goddess. He was not used to calling her like this, even though this name had already been called thousands of times in his heart.

"Xiaomei—" Luo Qing called out cheerfully from the side, reaching out to hold Yang Zimei's arm, "I can say that too."

"Of course Sister Luo Qing can call me that." Yang Zimei laughed.

She likes Luo Qing, who has a straightforward personality.

"Hehe, that's great." Luo Qing laughed happily, "You are the savior of our Luo family, facing you, sometimes I don't know what to do."

"Then work hard to help Min Gang run this antique porcelain company well, so that I can share more dividends." Yang Zimei blinked and said with a sly smile.

"Well, my brother and I will definitely go all out to promote our company's brand, let our Luo family's craftsmanship flourish, and become famous at home and abroad." Luo Qing nodded heavily.

"That's a must."

In the previous life, Yang Zimei didn't know who the master craftsmen hired by Min Gang's company were, nor did she know the quality of the antique porcelain.

In this life, there is absolutely no problem with a master antique porcelain master like Luo Bai who is going to be lost.

Moreover, Song Xuan also said that there is no problem. The domestic and international markets for antique porcelain are also quite large, especially the Yuan blue and white craftsmanship, which is basically extinct.

(End of this chapter)

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