Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 391 Absolutely Shameful!

Chapter 391 Absolutely Shameful!

Yuqing quickly pried open the seven nails and lifted the cover!

"Dead corpse, where to escape!"

Yu Zhenzi yelled, threw the corpse rope in his hand into the coffin, and Yang Zimei also hurriedly recited the mantra.

"There are no corpses!"

Yuqing said suddenly!

Yu Zhenzi was wondering why his body-binding rope fell through.

Yang Zimei took a closer look.

I saw that there was no frightening corpse in the coffin, not even a single bone, but inside the empty coffin lay a puppet that is common in Japan, with seven needles stuck in its chest.

And that powerful black resentment emanated from the puppet.

Yuqing and Yuzhenzi were stunned——

The puppet that was lying down suddenly jumped up and jumped over Yu Mako's head.

Yu Zhenzi stretched out his hand and grabbed it in his hand.

Who knew that the wooden idol was like a living body, struggling in his hands, and even kicked that limb at Yu Mako with a sinister air.

If it weren't for the small iron tower to help absorb the evil spirit, Yu Zhenzi would have been tricked a long time ago.

"You little thing, how dare you kick me."

Yu Zhenzi was angry, he took out the corpse rope, tied the puppet's limbs firmly, and put a spell on it.

The puppet just settled down.

Luo Qing and the two brothers saw from a distance that they were just taking out a puppet from the coffin, and there was no fake corpse as mentioned before, so they walked over boldly.

They hooked their heads to look at the coffin, only to find that it was empty, and asked in surprise, "Where is my grandfather's body?"

"I didn't find it." Yu Zhenzi replied, "Only this thing."

"this is……"

Luo Qing asked suspiciously when he saw the puppet with needles stuck in it.

"This is the reason why your family is suddenly besieged by an evil spirit every day." Yuqing said.

"Then what should we do? Daoist, quickly pull out these needles and save our family's Tiantian." Luo Qing said anxiously.

"Of course the needle has to be pulled out, but you can't pull it out at will. This is different from the common techniques we use to avoid victory. It is the Japanese way of Yin and Yang. Although it is also heresy, the person who casts the spell is not low-level." Yuqing said to Yang Zimei, "Niuniu, you have to pull out these needles."

Yang Zimei took the puppet over.

The wooden idol sensed something and was trembling.

Even though it was weird, she couldn't wait any longer, otherwise, the ugly time would pass soon, and she had to be saved every day.

Recite the incantation, change the finger formula, step on the pace of Yin Yang and Five Elements, and start to pull out the needles one by one.

When I pulled out the needle on the puppet's chest, it was suddenly difficult to pull it out.

The needle seemed to be rooted in a puppet, and I couldn't pull it out with ordinary hands, so I had to use my true energy to pull it out...

"Sister, it's dangerous, throw it away!"

Xiaoqian suddenly yelled.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Zimei threw the puppet out of her hand like lightning.

With a bang, the loud noise no less than that of a bomb rang out at the place where the puppet landed, causing the surrounding gravel and dirt to splatter...

Yang Zimei was sweating from shock!

If it wasn't for Xiaoqian's reminder, it would be her who was blown to pieces at this time.

Yuqing and Yuzhenzi were also horrified, and they hurried forward, seeing that she was safe and sound, Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a sinister onmyoji!" Yu Zhenzi was so angry that his hair stood on end, "You actually put a bomb in a puppet!"

Once this yin-yang witchcraft is deciphered, the caster will suffer backlash.

For the sake of everyone dying together, he actually came up with this last trick, it was too poisonous, and his calculations were too precise!
Yang Zimei secretly rejoiced that she pulled out the needle, not Master, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

【Hey, are you disappointed that you didn't see a zombie? 】

(End of this chapter)

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