chapter 416
"Director Li—"

Murong Yunqing lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled, "What do you think about this matter?"

"Mr. Murong, please go to the Cuixiang Building and let Li drink with me to apologize, okay?" Li Yiyuan felt his head was getting bigger.

"Then you have to ask my friend Ms. Yang's opinion." Murong Yunqing threw the ball to Yang Zimei and let her see how to deal with it.

"Master Yang, it's all because the dog has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, and offended you, please forgive me." Li Yiyuan said to Yang Zimei with sweat profusely.

Yang Zimei snorted coldly, "It's fine for your son to attack me, but you actually called people on the road to kill my master and uncle. I will settle this account with you no matter what."

"That's because the dog is ignorant. My father's discipline is not strict. Master Yang, your lord has a lot, please forgive him." Li Yiyuan saw that Yang Zimei didn't seem to have his original intentions, and kept bowing and bowing, almost I'm going to kneel down.

"He's not a child, so it's enough to just say he's ignorant?" Yang Zimei sneered, "He's done a lot of things in this year alone, right? A week ago, he ran into an old lady Huang in the western suburbs and ran away. You covered it up. Two weeks ago, the waiter who was violent with a few people forced him to commit suicide. You also covered it up. Three weeks ago, you fought with someone and beat him to hemiplegia. You also covered it up; A month ago, the video game city that entertained him badly was smashed..."

Li Yiyuan's face turned ashen when he heard Yang Zimei's recounting all the bad things his son had committed.

He has dealt with all these things, and it stands to reason that outsiders don't know much about them.

" did you know?" He asked tremblingly.

Yang Zimei sneered, "Don't forget which line of work I'm in, don't talk about your son's bad things, even you, I can also figure it out. Three hours ago, you were playing dirty games with someone in the entertainment city." game, right?"

Li Yiyuan was sweating profusely. No wonder those who had fortune-telling with Yang Zimei said that she was very accurate, like a fairy. It seems that she really deserved her reputation.

Three hours ago, he was indeed playing a nasty double-fly with a certain deputy county magistrate in the box of the entertainment city, thinking that no one knew it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zimei saw through it at a glance.

Who is this?

Damn you bastard, why did you mess with her?
"Yang...Master Yang..."

His legs gave way in fright, and he knelt on the ground with a thud, "When my son's legs recover, I will definitely bring him to the door and kneel down to beg for mercy, please let us go."

Yang Zimei smiled coldly, "It's okay if I let you go, but maybe those souls who died unjustly can't let you go."

After she finished speaking, she moved her fingers, and a bit of evil spirit flew into Li Yiyuan's forehead.

With such a sinister aura, from tonight onwards, he would see those ghosts he had persecuted demanding his life, and finally forced him to surrender himself, or go crazy.

"Master, uncle, let's go." She turned her head and smiled at Yuqing, "Everything is fine, there is no need to be here anymore."

Yuqing naturally saw her small movements, nodded lightly, stood up, and raised the whisk.

"Damn! The dignified police chief actually indulged his son to do all these unconscionable things, be careful and retribution." Yu Zhenzi spat on Li Yiyuan, stomped him along the way, and kicked him to the side.

Li Yiyuan didn't dare to hum.

If these perverted people in front of him are willing to go like this, it will be like amnesty for him.

[Darling, I'm sorry, there's only one update tonight, because Xixi will land again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, in order to keep updating, I have to save some drafts tonight for tomorrow's backup. 】

(End of this chapter)

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