Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 427 You Can Be Stupid

Chapter 427 You Can Be Stupid
The orange light of the street lamp dyed her little white skirt, and the night breeze gently raised the corners of her skirt, blowing away the faint orchid-like elegant fragrance on her body.

The deeper the smile on her face, the more nervous he felt, and the tension was inexplicable.

As a professional killer who has been around for more than 20 years, he often has a strong intuition for opponents stronger than himself, and can clearly feel the killing intent from the opponent.

However, he didn't feel any killing intent from her, but he felt a sudden chill, feeling that she was like a Rakshasa girl who came out of Shura ghost town, every step she took was a dangerous step.

The high tension made him suddenly pull out the gun from his trouser pocket, pointing at her, "Don't move!"


Yang Zimei responded lightly, stopped in her tracks, and looked at him with black pupils blinking, as if his hand was just a toy gun.

"You are Yang Zimei." Asking this sentence, the other party thought it was superfluous.

"Well, I'm Yang Zimei, you want to kill me." Yang Zimei's tone was calm and relaxed, as if he was discussing something with him, and the smile on his lips deepened.

"Do not laugh!"

Seeing her smile, he suddenly felt like he was being targeted with a gun, not her, so he said viciously.


Yang Zimei actually responded again, putting away the smile on his lips.

Once she stopped smiling, her whole body seemed to be covered with ice, and a cold breath filled the air, as if the twelfth lunar month of winter was coming.

He didn't feel like facing her again for a quarter of an hour, and his fingers clenched the gun——

The wrist suddenly felt cold, the whole arm suddenly became stiff and unable to move, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground.

Startled, he bent over to pick up the gun with his other hand.

Only then did he pick up the gun, and just as he was aiming, his hand froze again, and the gun fell to the ground again...

"Huh? Why didn't you shoot?"

Yang Zimei said in a surprised tone, and the smile that made him unconsciously fear began to appear on his face again.

" do witchcraft?"

Over the years, he traveled all over the world, went through life and death, learned a lot, and naturally knew some strange things about witchcraft.

One of his companions was in the hands of an inexplicable wizard.

"Yes, don't you know? Before you want to kill me, you should know me clearly." Yang Zimei squinted and smiled, "Otherwise, you really aren't a qualified killer."

His face darkened.

Before, the message he received from Yang Zimei said that she was just an ordinary girl in middle school, and no one said that she could do witchcraft.

No wonder, the employer will pay 1000 million to assassinate her.

It turned out that it was not as simple as an ordinary girl. I was really too careless. If I had known, I would have ejaculated her just now while she was not paying attention on the street.

"Tell me, who hired you to kill me!" Yang Zimei's tone suddenly turned cold.

"I do not know."

As a professional killer, he naturally has to have his own professional ethics, and he will not reveal the information of his employer until his death. What's more, their employment and employment relationship is itself operated through a black box, and he has no idea who It is the employer, who only knows the target to be assassinated.

"Oh, then you can go silly."

Yang Zimei saw that he really didn't know, and it would be a waste of energy to ask again, and she was going to go home later, so she didn't want to waste time on this kind of person.

Go silly?Instead of dying?
Before the killer could react, his forehead went cold again, and then his whole head seemed to be exploded by a bomb, making a chaotic noise, and finally turned into a blank...

(End of this chapter)

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