Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 430 Long Live Sister

Chapter 430 Long Live Sister
Seeing that everyone turned against him, Yang Bo angrily slammed his pipe on the table and walked out of the house angrily.

"Niuniu, don't worry about that grandpa of yours, it's too much, come here, let grandma touch it, have you lost weight?" Seeing her face change, grandma hurriedly took Yang Zimei's hand, touched her face, her eyes were full Compassionately said, "Tsk tsk, you really lost a little weight. Now that you are growing up, you should eat more meat. You can't always follow the Taoist priest to be a vegetarian. It will be unnutritious."

"Grandma, I eat well. Master, he may not be a vegetarian." Seeing grandma like this, Yang Zimei put away the bad mood just now, and turned to his father who was still trembling with anger and crying. Mom said, "Dad, Mom, how is the business of the bakery?"

Looking at her daughter who forced a smile on her face, Huang Xiuli also wiped away her tears, squeezed out a smile and said: "Well, the business has stabilized and is very good. The neighbors say that my bread is delicious, and even the bread in other streets People also came to buy my bread."

Speaking of her beloved bread, Huang Xiuli's eyes lit up.

She really likes making bread, and she can earn a lot of money every day, which is an affirmation of value for her, and does not need to increase the financial burden on her daughter.

Seeing her mother like this, Yang Zimei was very happy, "Maybe, in a few days, mom, you will have to open a chain store."

"Hehe, where does your mother have this ability? It's enough to open a store." Huang Xiuli smiled lowly.

"You have it." Yang Qing stood aside, reaching out to pat the back of her hand, "I didn't know before that you are very talented in this area, it's all because I was too useless before, and I always wronged you to only be a housewife. "

"I'm not wronged." Huang Xiuli raised her eyes and looked at her husband, "I'm very happy to be able to give birth to lovely children like Niuniu Zixi and the others after following you."

Yang Qing looked at Huang Xiuli, and the two looked at each other, full of the tacit understanding and emotion of an old husband and wife.

Seeing his parents like this, Yang Zimei's heart was also filled with happiness.

It doesn't matter how unreasonable grandpa is, what matters is that parents can love each other.

That's enough.

"Sister, I got No.1 in the last exam!" Yang Zixi took a few test papers and showed them to her, "I am number one in Chinese, Mathematics and English, and I beat everyone else. The transfer students who came down."

"Zixi is amazing!" Yang Zimei patted her head.

"Sister, what kind of puppy are you, can you give me a hug?" Yang Zixi's eyes kept falling on Xuehu in Yang Zimei's arms, full of love, but just now because of grandpa, everyone's atmosphere became a little tense , she dared not speak out.

"I want to hug too." Zilei Ziyun's two twin brothers also ran over and shouted.

"Don't let them touch me, I'm not a pet like a puppy." Xuehu warned Yang Zimei, "I don't like anyone hugging me except you."

Yang Zimei was embarrassed, and said helplessly to his younger siblings: "It's called Xuehu, but it doesn't like other people to hold it, otherwise, it will bite you, just take a look."

As soon as they heard that they would bite, Zi Xi and the others hurriedly withdrew their hands.

"Sister, I also seem to have a pet that is only for me." Yang Zixi looked at Xuehu reluctantly and said, "It's so cute!"

"Okay, when you all move to the new house, the place will be big, then sister will take you to the pet shop, and each of you will pick one." Yang Zimei smiled.

"Long live sister!" Zixi, Lei Ziyun and the three cheered.

Looking at their cute faces, Yang Zimei also smiled sincerely, and the unhappiness caused by grandpa just now disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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