Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 437 Failure to break the law

Chapter 437 Failure to break the law (1)

Li Yiyuan paid [-] hexagrams in advance and approached Li Tangyi.

He saw that Li Tangyi was wearing a white silk Tang suit, wearing soft-soled shoes, with a ruddy complexion, holding an ancient-looking compass in one hand, and three ancient copper coins in the other, and a pair of slender eyes that seemed to know everything. look at him.

This is what a real physiognomist looks like!

That smelly girl Yang Zimei is actually a physicist, she is just...

He greeted Li Tangyi respectfully, and then sat in front of him.

"Mr. Li, what do you want to ask?" Li Tangyi's tone was cold and distant, with a look of superior detachment.

He understands what it means to be a master.

Although he was not originally a cold, arrogant and alienated person, in order to distance himself from the seeker and create a psychological pressure of worship on the other party, he had to pretend to be like this.

Otherwise, the more cordial and enthusiastic you are, the more people will doubt your ability.

For example, those gods on the street are very active in soliciting customers and so on. As a result, they are mistrusted as liars.

"Master Li, I suspect that I have suffered from witchcraft, and I would like to ask you to help me to see if I can get rid of it." Li Yiyuan said eagerly.

"Witchcraft?" Li Tangyi looked carefully at his seal, and found that there was indeed a mass of black evil spirit covering it.

He suddenly thought to himself, is the reason why he lost his memory also related to witchcraft?
Li Yiyuan told the whole story of what happened with Yang Zimei.

"The fortune teller is a girl around 15 years old?" Li Tangyi was slightly surprised after hearing what Li Yiyuan said.

"Yes, her master looks like a Taoist priest like an old fairy, but that uncle is like a fake Taoist priest. My son and I, after having conflicts with them, have hallucinations every night. Ghost, Master Li, since everyone has the same surname as Li, please help me, I don’t care how much the trigram costs." Li Yiyuan begged.

Li Tangyi fell into deep thought.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a girl to have such skill.

He stretched out his finger and touched Li Yiyuan's Yintang. Sure enough, the finger felt slightly cold to the touch. According to the hallucination he described, he should have been cursed by the five ghosts chasing souls.

But he didn't see any charms on his body.

Could it be that that girl, like her senior brother, knows how to draw talismans in the void to cast spells and attract evil spirits to invade people's brains?

I have studied hard for more than 50 years, but I have not achieved any results. That skill is far from enough.

It should be the old Taoist priest.

"Master, how are you? Can you help me?" Seeing Li Tangyi bowing his head in thought, Li Yiyuan became more and more anxious. He had placed great hopes in Li Tangyi.

"Let me try."

Li Tangyi took out his mahogany sword, yellow paper, cinnabar, writing brush and other utensils, and started to open the altar...


A mouthful of blood spewed out from Li Tangyi's mouth, the mahogany sword in his hand was broken in two, even the pointer of the magic weapon compass began to swing messily, and the ancient copper coins trembled on the ground...

He sat down on the ground with a pale face, and his vitality was seriously injured.

This situation has never been encountered since his debut.

Obviously, the person who cast the spell is more than ten times better than him, at least he has to fight with his senior brother.

(End of this chapter)

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