Chapter 470
Luo Yingjin was also secretly glad that he didn't offend Yang Zimei because of Lan Luo just now. It seems that her background is really extraordinary, otherwise, Huo Wenhua would not have respected her so much.

Normally, even the secretary of the mayor would respect Huo Wenhua when he saw him. Besides being the biggest investor, he also had other complicated backgrounds.

And the simple-minded Lan Luo still didn't understand what happened in front of her. She thought that Huo Wenhua had taken a fancy to Yang Zimei's youthful beauty, so she snorted coldly with disdain, "It turns out that Mr. Huo likes young girls too!"

Luo Yingjin gave her a disgusted look, "Don't talk nonsense to embarrass yourself."

"When did I lose face? Didn't you say that I am like that bright pearl, can I accompany you by your side and make you shine?"

Lan Luo yelled.

Luo Yingjin was so regretful that his intestines were green, why did he bring such a brainless woman to this kind of party?

This kind of woman is only suitable for pressing directly on the bed!
Unwilling, Lan Luo walked towards Huo Wenhua with two glasses of red wine in his hand, and interrupted the conversation between Huo Wenhua and Yang Zimei with a softer voice, "Mr. Huo, can I treat you to a glass of wine?"

People like Huo Wenhua, who have always been used to being arbitrary, hate being interrupted when they are talking.

However, the self-cultivation he should have kept him from getting angry, and he just said in a very cold tone: "Miss Lan, Huo is busy, please don't disturb me!"

Then, Lan Luo was pushed aside by the bodyguard next to Huo Wenhua.

Lan Luo saw that he was so indifferent to him, but when he saw Yang Zimei, he showed an incomparably kind smile, his mind was extremely unbalanced, his hand holding the wine glass was slightly clenched, and he really wanted to pour the wine in the glass directly When it came to Yang Zimei's head, she still smiled calmly.

"Mr. Huo, if you are busy, you can ignore me." Yang Zimei said to Huo Wenhua lightly.

"Not busy, not busy, no matter how busy you are, you can't ignore you, little sister."

Huo Wenhua hurriedly said.

"Hehe, Mr. Huo flattered you." Yang Zimei smiled and asked, "Mr. Huo, you are not the planner of this auction again, are you?"

"Haha, Xiaomei's guess is really right." Huo Wenhua laughed heartily, "I asked Mr. Song to send you an invitation letter. I thought you didn't have time to come, but I didn't expect that you really came. This really surprised me. Happy."

"It's such a big excitement, I naturally like to join in. I heard that there will be mysterious items auctioned at the auction later. I'm looking forward to it." Yang Zimei smiled.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it too, Xiaomei, I've reserved a VIP seat for you, just wait until you go there." Huo Wenhua laughed.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Huo."

"I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you for the time being. After the auction is over, we will gather again. I still have a lot of things that I need to rely on, little sister."

"Okay, you're busy."

Huo Wenhua left with someone.

Yang Zimei looked at his back, sat down again, took a sip of tea lightly, and continued chatting and laughing with Lin Qingmei, without any emotional changes because of Huo Wenhua's flattering and favoring her.

Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just ignore it.

The person who had been observing her just now secretly gave her this evaluation, and felt that her background must be huge.

Could it be that she is the princess faction from the capital?
Such thoughts also flashed in Luo Yingjin's mind.

His Luo family is considered a famous family in city B, but none of the women in his family can cultivate her posture and demeanor.

Unless, there is a greater environmental achievement!

【Darling, good night, see you tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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